Monday, May 19, 2014

There's nothing that says "Los Angeles"

Like having the electricity in your house flicker for no apparent reason.

I'm serious here, folks.  Los Angeles is just a third-world shithole that happens to be attached to the USA.  And apparently, it used to be WORSE!!!!

I can't think of any reason why someone would want to live here.


Gerry N. said...

Roughly 20 years ago I had to go to Los Angeles for some reason or other. When the plane started to descend for landing, I was stunned and how brown the air was. Then on the taxi ride to my hotel I saw how friggin' filthy the streets were. I spent two weeks there that weekend and I've never been back.

I won't ever be going back; once is enough. The idea of actually living in that cess pit makes me shudder.

God bless you Dave, you're a much hardier man than I am.

Ragin' Dave said...

I don't know if I'm hardy, so much as I don't have a choice. A little less than a year and a half left, and the Mrs. and I can't wait to leave.