Monday, September 30, 2013

Government shutdown

Personally, as a member of the military who's paycheck depends on the government?

Shut the fucker down. 

Take off and nuke it from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure.  Blow this shit right to hell.  At this point, you can't stave off this country's collapse.  So speed it up, so that when the shooting starts I can be the one pulling the trigger, rather than passing off my responsibility to the next generation like the Democrats like to do.


Crotalus said...

Amen! Kill them all! Every last damned one of them!

Unknown said...

Dave, I have been reading this blog regularly since there were actually four wackos, and I have always suspected that you were a straight shooter.(pun intended) When you advocate for the shutdown even though you might miss a paycheck or 2, or 3, this confirms that you are a wacko, but in my opinion the good kind. You say what a lot of us are thinking, without regard to Political Correctness, and I commend you for that. Keep it up until the GestapObama shuts all free speech down!

Ragin' Dave said...

When they shut free speech down, I'll just keep saying what I have to say in a different forum and medium.

And it turns out that the military is going to get funded separately, so I won't have to put my savings account to the test. Still, if it took months of no pay in order to get rid of Obamacare, I'd do it. As of right now, I say the only way to get rid of it is to implement it, right now, with no waivers, no exceptions, and nobody allowed to ignore it (like Congress).