Thursday, May 31, 2012

A mistrial

In the John Edwards trial.

Yeah, well......

I still don't know if what he did was strictly illegal.  But he's still a slimy, shit-faced, greedy, backstabbing piece of lizard shit who cheated on his wife while she was dealing with cancer.  He has all the morals of a leech, and the integrity of a crack-whore.  And he was probably the better half of the Kerry-Edwards ticket in 2004.

He makes me want to go scrub my skin with bleach, scouring powder and a Brillo pad just from watching him on TV.  And he's the perfect example of a Democrat.  So there you go.


Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

Well, at least his political career is over.

Goober said...

That about sums up my feelings on the matter. There wasn't enough proof of illegal intent or action to convict him for anything, so as a jury member, I would have given a "not guilty" verdict, also. But not being guilty of a crime doesn't mean he isn't a total shit-heel that should be shunned from polite society for the remainder of his natural life. Because he is a total shit-heel, and i feel sorry for the little girl that is going to have to grow up with an adulterous slut for a mother and a total shit-heel for a father.

Roswell said...

@ Gobber......
I absolutely could have said it any better! There's a special place in hell for him....

Roswell said...

(Sorry, should have done my own spell checking "Goober"..... )