Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hammer your Congresscritter

This is why a Conservative win in 2010 is so important - we have got to repeal Obamacare before it wrecks this country's health care system, as it's promising to do.

The end result of the consolidation that will follow ObamaCare will be increased bureaucracies and fewer choices.  The mandate burden will mean fewer independent clinics and providers, thanks to the increased start-up costs.  Doctors will look for the economies-of-scale approach and join a decreasing number of larger networks.  Insurers will affiliate themselves with fewer providers and networks as they pare down their offerings, which will already be constrained by the mandates for minimum coverage.  The so-called “Cadillac tax” will eliminate the high-end policies now offered as insurers attempt to avoid the ruinous taxes and fees imposed on those plans.

I hope you enjoyed your health care while you had it.  Follow the link to read about how doctors in Texas are refusing to deal with Medicare because of the costs.  If Obamacare continues, I think you'll begin to see a whole host of doctors that refuse to deal with the government at all, and do cash-only businesses so as to avoid all the regulation and paperwork that goes with insurance and government mandates.

Hell, that might be the only way to get health care in the future.

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