Saturday, May 15, 2010

The BMI is a load of shit

And the government wants to use it to monitor how much you weigh?  Figures.  This is the kind of crap that needs to be beaten down hard.  I'll be damned if any government agency that allows Bawney Fwank to waddle his ass to committee leadership positions will be investigating how much I or any of my family weighs.


Anonymous said...

The BMI actually IS a pile of crap. Do a little research on where it came from. It is to actual weight/mass as global warming/climate change is to real climate studies.

Buzz said...

For those with strong bone structure and muscle mass on top of it, the BMI is the same type of malarkey that forced hydrogenated fats down our throats until they realized trans-fats were worse than the real thing.
At 6'3" and 235 pounds, I'm borderline obese on the BMI scale. Anyone around me knows that I'm nowhere near obese, being in pretty damned good shape for a 20 year old, let alone the 41 that I am.

Ragin' Dave said...

Hell, according to the BMI, I'm borderline obese.

Now, I'll admit that I put some weight on when I quit smoking, but I still run my two miles in 16:00 or less. Show me an obese person who does that.

Sam said...

You think that's bad, try being morbidly obese. If I dropped 100 pounds, I would still be obese by their standards. But if I lost enough weight to actually meet their requirements for "normal weight", I would be emaciated.