Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Yours truly, from 2006.

So while we all admit that Foley should be strung up by his shriveled nutsack and beaten to death, if a Dimocrat should try to make a big deal of this in front of you, please remind them that the Republicans kick the paedophiles out of Congress. The Dimocrats protect their paedophiles and keep them in Congress, as proven by Gerry Studds and Barney Frank. So ask them which party they support. The party of punishing paedophiles, or the party of proudly having paedophiles represent them in congress?

The conservatives deal with their bad apples. We dealt with Trent Lott. We'll deal with Foley. It's part of being an adult and fixing problems. The Dimocrats refuse to deal with any problems they have. They deny the problem, blame someone else, and then pray that the whole mess just blows over so that they don't have to change anything, which is why the Dimocrats have a Grand Kleagle of the KKK and a drunken murdering lush as congresscritters.


West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL), whose predecessor resigned in the wake of a sex scandal, agreed to a $121,000 payment to a former mistress who worked on his staff and was threatening to sue him, according to current and former members of his staff who have been briefed on the settlement, which involved Mahoney and his campaign committee.


Senior Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives, including Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), the chair of the Democratic Caucus, have been working with Mahoney to keep the matter from hurting his re-election campaign, the Mahoney staffers said.
When you are part of a political philosophy that eschews silly things like morals and standards, that opens up the window to all kinds of behavior, doesn't it? And since you don't give a shit about anything but yourself, you don't even have to feel bad about cheating on your wife! Morals? Standards? Those are for some other schlub, not the anointed of the Democrat American Communist Party!

I swear.... it's too damn predictable some days. Gateway Pundit has more.

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