Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gas prices

Since the family and I are driving around a lot of the USA right now, you can imagine that it's costing us a bit in gas money. And you would be right. I'm glad to see that America is finally waking up to the cost of allowing eco-freaks to dictate our energy policy.

One thing that always pisses me off is when some clueless Leftist (redundancy alert) starts blabbing about how mass transit or alternate fuels could wean us off oil. On the alternate fuels point, I'll let Mr. Alger take over, since he manages to shred that particular argument in about five minutes flat.

But this mass transit thing. I've heard it mentioned before. "But, but, Europe has trains! Japan has trains! We can have trains!" Or buses. Or whatever mode of transportation is being discussed.

People who make this argument have never taken the journey that I have this week. Or the several that I've taken over my life, from one coast to the other. Leftists don't have any comprehension of just how big this country is, how vast the spaces are. A train from Berlin to Paris works because it's only around 545 miles. That's two countries, millions of people, all in an area that would fit into Montana. Hell, Montana took us two days to traverse. Germany could be dropped into Texas and IT WOULD FIT EASILY.

Mass transit is not the answer for this country. Sorry. But them's the facts.

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