Monday, July 28, 2008

Banning Trans-Fats

So Commiefornia has banned trans-fats, as well as New York Fucking City. Can there be a better example of over-reaching government control? "IT'S BAD FOR YOU AND YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!"

Yes Master. Thank you for keeping me safe, Master. Whatever would we do without you, Master. Fuck you sideways with a chainsaw, Master.

FEDERAL LAW requires television stations to broadcast in digital instead of analog signals. Excuse me? Why the hell is the Federal government mandating anything about how TV stations broadcast their signals? Who gave them that right?

The Mitchel Report on baseball. Since when is it the FedGov's job to worry about whether or not baseball players are juiced? WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY DEALING WITH THAT?

Does anyone else see the problem here?

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