Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Rot of a Leftist Mind

Kevin Baker has up a post that absolutely destroys a movie that's come out recently - "Why We Fight". The movie is (to simplify it extremely) an anti-war propaganda piece that plays fast and loose with the facts, and Mr. Baker counters it point by point. It's a long post, and quite worth the read.

But I'm not here to critique Mr. Baker's post. No, I'm blogging on this because of one of his commenters, Markadelphia. Reading Markadelphia's comments is a look into the derangement that is Liberalism, one small bit at a time. What really made me just shake my head this last time is after being accosted with truth and facts, he pops off with:

Reality is what you make it, Kevin. There are many people in the world who want peace. Someday they may succeed. What if it happens? As long as people believe that war is inevitable, it will be. Ever read On War by Clausewitz?

Reality is what you make of it, says Markadelphia the deranged Leftist. And there lies a huge part of the problem with Leftism. It's in La-La land. It doesn't have any basis in reality, because to a Leftist reality isn't solid. Reality is what you make of it.

What a bunch of absolute horseshit. Reality is NOT what you make of it. Reality simply IS. Maybe in Markadelphia's little make believe world where little bunnies hop and snuggle up with cute fuzzy wolf puppies and everyone is buddies, and nobody ever does anything wrong or mean, and everything bad is because the USA is a big mean nasty bully, reality doesn't have any basis in factual events. But in the REAL world, where actions and reactions are based on REAL events, with REAL consequences, reality is more than something that you can just say "Oh, it is what you make of it."

You do not MAKE reality. You deal with it. You cannot change it. Truth and facts are not subject to anyone's whims or desires.

But when you start to think that reality "is what you make of it", then you start to believe that you can change it. All the sudden, reality doesn't really matter, because you can just wave your hand and make it something else.

Maybe that's how they think that high taxes are good for the economy, when reality shows the opposite. Maybe that's how they think that socialized medicine is better than a privatized system, when reality shows the opposite. Maybe that's why they think gun control lowers crime, when reality shows the opposite. maybe that's why they think that government control over more and more of a citizen's life is a good thing, when reality shows the opposite.

Reality doesn't matter to them, because it is what you make of it.

Oh, and Markadelphia is a big fan of Micheal Moore as well. No big surprise there, eh?

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