Saturday, September 01, 2007

Could it be?

Mrs. du Toit got the email.

Dear Friends,

On September 6, 2007, Fred Thompson will be announcing his intention to run for President of the United States with a webcast available to millions at The launch of the video will be followed by a five-day campaign tour through Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. On the evening of the 6th, there will also be a National House Party, during which there will be a conference call with Fred.

We can hope. Granted, I think it's still early, but at least he hasn't gone on a six-month "let's-prove-I'm-a-jackass" Tour like the other "candidates".

Yeah, those are scare quotes around that word. Because let's face it, except for Hunter and Tancredo, none of the other candidates should be elected to the presidency. Period, end of story.

And hell, I even LIKE some of them, I just don't think they should be President!

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