Friday, June 15, 2007

Morons STILL denying Reid's comments

After Dingy Harry himself said that yes, he did say what everyone said he said. Folks, here's the problem with Leftists - even with the truth staring them in the face, they refuse to acknowledge it. People like Glen(s) Greenwald, Oliver Willis (like hungry to Twinkies!), The Krazy Kos Kids, they deny, deny, deny, never admitting that the facts prove them wrong, all in the name of political gain.

To the Left, facts are disposable. Anything that doesn't fit their preconceived notion gets tossed out the window, and they'll just make shit up in order to fit their agenda.

And here's the damn proof.

More from Instapundit:

Well, for all that griping, it seems the Politico nailed this story, and Drudge just did what he always does--amplify it. Dr. Barbin still contends this is a non-story--though, apparently factually accurate despite protestations to the contrary--because it was just "a throw away line...that Harry Reid said to the unable-to-be-reconfirmed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's face." And Geiger puts off the outrageous statement Reid claims to have made to the senator's "tendency to speak like the straight-talking, former boxer that he is." If it's all true, then Reid's a brave man, but a jerk nonetheless. The other possibility, of course, is that he's full of it and never said any such thing to Pace--in which case, he's still a jerk, but not so stupid as to question the integrity of this nation's highest ranking officer to his face.

The lefty bloggers, for their part, have shown themselves to be totally inept. They failed to report the comments, then they denied Reid ever made them while making their own unsubstantiated allegations, and now they defend the comments as irrelevant--and without even the slightest doubt as to their validity. Which is worse?

This is a perfect example of why I will never vote for anyone on the Left side of the political sphere.

UPDATE: Jeff Goldstein has more.

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