Tuesday, October 03, 2006

You would think

That the race cards that the Left plays on every single damn day would be getting worn out by now. But nope, they still keep whipping them out at every chance.

A local group fighting for immigrant rights is calling for a boycott of two nationally known companies. Dunkin Donuts and Applebee's are accused of discriminating against immigrant workers whose names don't match their social security numbers.

"Immigrant rights". That should clue you in right away that we're dealing with people who promote illegal aliens. And why should any business hire people who's names don't match their social security numbers? If my name and SSN didn't match, I wouldn't get hired! But I guess this group of illegal alien pushers wants illegal aliens to get treated better than US citizens!

As Michelle puts it:

What's there to say? You can't reason with people who cry "racism" as a response to businesses who abide by the law.

You know what's even worse? That the kool-aid guzzling sheeple in the Dimocrat Party swallow this kind of bullshit without thinking. "Oh, yep! Racist!"

Sheeple. Baa baa Deaniac, you're so full of bull.

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