Thursday, December 29, 2005

NSA and Wiretapping and Dhimmocrat hysteria

I haven't written much about the whole NSA wiretapping deal, because for the most part I've just been sitting back and watching the show as it evolves. But if there's one thing I've learned about politics, you have to wait for the hysterical squeals and screams of the Dhimmocrats to subside a bit before you can get to the truth. Because the Dhimmocrats have only two goals in mind, to the exclusion of all else: Defeat G.W. Bush, and regain power. And if America goes down in flames while they pursue those goals, hey, so what? In their mind, it's justified, because they love power more than anything else in the world.

However, as is the usual case, once the Left's bleating and whining has gone down, the rest of the story begins to come out, with rather disastrous effects for the Donks.

There are a few writers/bloggers who's thoughts on the subject are pretty clear, and I think are worth being linked to. The first,, dismantles a Dhimmocrat lawyer by the name of Glenn Greenwald. Greenwald has been drafting reams of essays, all of which boil down to "Bush is a lawbreaker and must be put in jail, so that the BusHitlerChimpyMcHalliburton Crime Junta can't ruin the world anymore."

The problem with Greenwald's arguments, hell, the problem with ANY of the Left's arguments from the past thirty years, is that they all follow the same script. Construct a really nifty sounding preposition, and then come up with flaming assloads of "facts" to back it up. Now, if you were to follow Greenwald's preposition that Bush broke the law, you would not be able to refute any of Greenwald's evidence. However, the key words are "IF you were to follow Greenwald's preposition". manages to completely derail Greenwald by showing that Bush didn't break the law, thereby turning all of Greenwald's hysterics into a whole bunch of empty shouting by an idiot.

Cold Fury also has a post up about Greenwald, although this one is much less polite. It seems that Mr. Greenwald takes exception to being shown for a buffoon on the internet, and attacked one Al Maviva, who was much too polite to respond in kind. However, that didn't stop one of the other people who post on Cold Fury from responding for him.

I didn't much like it when this pompous jackass Glenn Greenwald called my co-blogger Al Maviva dishonest, simply for posting an off-the-cuff analysis of potential WH and DOJ legal justifications for foreign survellience. I liked it even less when the lying sack of ... fertilizer contended Al had deliberately misquoted FISA, when in fact it was the not-too-bright Greenwald who was misquoting Al. Most of the time, I let this kind of progressive revisionism go - correcting liberal lies is a full-time job I'm just not interested in. But not this time, punk. This time, I want an apology. Since I know you candy-assed progressives don't have enough personal integrity to admit you're wrong, let alone apologize for being a putz, I'll just have to settle for insulting you right back.

Now, you might think that once these self-righteous progressive lawyers with over-inflated egos are shown to be mere partisan hacks, they would display enough personal integrity to be ashamed of making obvious lies and distortions. Especially since it turns out Al was exactly right, while Glenn was exactly wrong, on the very point Glenn misquoted lied about. Silly conservative; you must remember their progressive agenda forgives all such transgressions - as long as they're the ones transgressing, of course. After all, you have to break a few eggs to hatch a Known Fact .

Al may be too gentlemanly (or show too much professional courtesy) to call Greenwald a phony and a hack, an incompetent boob who can't understand simple statutes, a liar who can't see past his ideological blindfold, or a liberal dimwit who thinks any disagreement with the World According To Greenwald must be a lie; but that doesn't mean I can't. A little advice to anyone unfortunate enough to have retained this clown in a three-piece suit: you might want to think about alternate, competent representation. Greenwald can resort to all the ever more desperate and technically obtuse refinements of his "Bush Lied!" meme as he likes; meanwhile, his erstwhile supporters are quietly backing away, reduced to hoping this kerfuffle will become another accepted truth, one of the Known Facts in the "reality based community". But I'll be watching you now, Glenn. I'll be happy to point out all the lame-ass and half-baked legal "opinions" you post from now on, even though (thank God) I am not a lawyer. But then, you're not much of one, either.

Mmmmmm, I love the smell of shredded Leftists in the morning! Check out the post, it's got more links to back it up than most blogs have in their entire content.

And third, Protien Wisdome takes the entire Leftist meme to task by stating a few basic facts that the Dhimmocrats refuse to accept; mainly that the NSA was not checking or wiretapping phone calls from one American citizen to another, it was intercepting calls from a known terrorist agent outside the country to people in the USA.

Which brings me to my point of the whole mess, a point which I haven't heard too many people make in the recent outcries. I hear Dhimmocrats hollaring about "Constitutional Rights", which I find absolutely hilarious because as far as I know, the entire Dhimmocrat Party platform consists of different ways to remove my constitutional rights one by one, starting with my right to keep and bear arms. But anyways, have any one of these braindead fucktards stopped to think about the fact that Constitutional Rights do not apply to someone who is NOT a United States citizen?

It's really simple: If you are not a citizen of the United States, then you cannot claim to have any rights under this country's founding document. So long, claims of 4th Amendment abuse. Right to privacy? Right to free speech? Right to peaceably (yeah, right!) assemble? Let me make this very clear:

If you are a foriegn national speaking to a known member of a terrorist organization who is outside the USA, conversing on different tactics which will be used to attack this country or it's military, then YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING RIGHT TO JACK SHIT!

Despite the Dhimmocrat's claims, it is that simple. In fact, I would go further: If you are a foriegn national and a known member of a terrorist organization, I don't care if you're outside the USA or not. I don't care if you're in Pakistan or New York City. I want you wiretapped. I want your privacy completely demolished. You're attempting to destroy my country, and I don't want you to so much as sneeze without someone at the NSA knowing about it. I want to know what you had for dinner, what you drank, who you met with, what you said, and what you wrote down. I want your fucking emails being read by the FBI. I want your movements tracked, your contacts discovered, and your attempts to destroy everything I hold dear cut off at the knees.

And if that sticks in the craw of the Dhimmocrats, too fucking bad. Maybe they should try rooting for the USA for once in their fucking putrid lives, instead of cheering for anyone and everyone who would oppose and destroy this country.

Link to found via the ever readable Baby Troll Blog.

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