Saturday, December 31, 2005

Another QotD

For those who haven't been keeping up with the Quote of the Day from Random Nuclear Strikes, (and if you haven't been reading RNS, it's your loss) I bring you a quote so good it must be repeated.

World War I led not to ‘Democracy’ but to the creation of three dictatorships: Soviet Russia, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. World War II led, not to ‘Four Freedoms’, but to the surrender of one-third of the world’s population into communist slavery.

If peace were the goal of today’s intellectuals, a failure of that magnitude – and the evidence of unspeakable suffering on so large a scale – would make them pause and check their statist premises. Instead, blind to everything but their hatred for capitalism, they are now asserting that “Poverty Breeds Wars”.

But the question is: What Breeds Poverty?

If you look at the world of today and if you look back at history, you will see the answer: The degree of a country’s freedom is the degree of its prosperity.

Every last damn war after WWI was started by a Leftist ideology. Don't forget that Nazi was an abbriviation of "Nationalist Socialism". Korea was the Chinese and Soviet Communists attempting to expand. Viet Nam, as well as being yet another fuckup tossed into our lap by the French, was communism's expansion into South East Asia after they were stymied in Korea. Saddam Hussien was a staunch Stalinist, with heavy ties to the Soviet Union, and to Russia in later years.

In fact, the only conflict that the USA has been involved in after WWI where the country we faced was run by a government with political leanings to the "Right" was our war against the Taliban. The killing fields of Cambodia? Perpetrated by communists. Pol Pot and the Khamer Rouge? Communists. Grenada? Communists. The very ideologies that the Left shrieks for with abandon have killed hundreds of millions of people in the past century, and yet the Left demands that we surrender to it's delusional fantasies.

The next time some asshat talks about how great it is in Cuba, kick them in the nuts. They're mentally damaged and cannot be reasoned with.

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