Thursday, January 06, 2005

OK, This Is Frigging ENOUGH!

File this under "Let's finally get off our ass and bring the hammer down!"

LOS ANGELES — Mexican immigrants hoping to cross the Mexico-U.S. border can use an illustrated guide to help them break U.S. immigration laws and live in the United States illegally.

The 32-page booklet, free with popular comic books and advertised at bus stations and government offices south of the border, comes courtesy of the Mexican government.

The Mexican government is pretty much worthless, no matter how much people try to convince themselves otherwise. I should know. I was one of those people for a while. But after watching their actions for a decade or so, I learned that Mexico is pretty much a third-world country BECAUSE of it's government. And instead of trying to fix the problems in that country, the Mexican government pretty much wants to shuffle their poverty-stricken citizens across the border.

The book's main focus seems to be instructing people on how to cross the border safely. For example, it warns Mexicans that when crossing the border, "thick clothing increases your weight when wet and makes it difficult to swim or float" and "if you cross in the desert, try to walk when the heat is not as intense."

Gee, isn't it nice when a government gives out pamphlets to it's citizens instructing them how to survive while breaking the law? Nothing like live, healthy criminals to make your day go smoothly!

"At end of the day, this is about the survival of individuals who we know unfortunately are perishing in desert," said Angelica Salas of the Coalition for Humane Immigration Rights

Stop. Full stop.

The Coalition for Humane Immigration Rights?

Let's make this very, very clear for anyone out there who might have a question or two. You do NOT have the right to immigrate to this country! THERE ARE NO IMMIGRATION RIGHTS! We can kick you out if we have just cause, we can prevent you from entering this country, we can prevent you from gaining citizenship. If you are hear illegally, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!

It's the Constitution of the UNITED STATES, not the world. In order to have rights guaranteed by it, you must first be a US citizen. Plain and simple. But there's more to this pamphlet than just survival tactics!

The guide also gives advice on how to live unobtrusively in the United States, advising illegals not to beat their wives or go to loud parties because either action may attract the attention of police.

Oh, isn't that lovely? If you don't beat your wife, then the cops won't notice you! Of course, the fact that you can't get a legal job may just hinder you a bit, but not much.

While some studies claim illegal immigrants help the U.S. economy by providing cheap labor, others complain they cost taxpayers billions in welfare and education costs. Good or bad, they are breaking U.S. law, and the Mexican government seems to be helping them.

Cheap labor? Maybe in a few select industries, but not nationwide. And the cost they put on society blasts away any good they might do with their cheap labor. There's a reason why Arizona voted in Proposition 200 in the last election. For those who don't know, Prop. 200 would bar non-citizens from recieving public services that are not federally mandated. So, you could walk into an emergency room, but non-emergency healthcare would be barred. Welfare would be barred. In short, the things guaranteed to a US Citizen would be unavailable to non-citizens. THE WAY IT SHOULD BE! But the Democrats are going nuts over it, and have taken it to court to try to get it overturned. The judge presiding over the case properly tossed it in the circular file.

Think about that for just a second. The people of Arizona said what they wanted. They voted for this proposition, and the Democrats TOOK IT TOO COURT! Can you think of a more egotistical, overbearing, arrogant way to do business? "Oh, we know what you said, and now we're going to do what WE want to do."

More sins to toss on the Democrats ever growing list.

Anyway, to get back on target - Shut the border down. Do it now. Halt all immigration that isn't tightly monitored, and by that I mean we make sure they are who they say they are. We ensure that criminals aren't walking into America every place there's a hole in the fence. Because Mexico seems to be doing everything it can in order to push their people into our country.

It needs to stop.

If President Bush goes through with his "amnesty" plan, the Republicans will be out of power again, because there is no amount of political ass-kissing that could make the Republican base forgive Bush, or their party for letting it happen. Michelle Malkin has been making the case for closing our borders, and doing a damn fine job of it. We need to shut down the illegal immigration right frigging now, before our immigration laws become even more of a joke than they already are.

Mexico doesn't take them seriously. That needs to change.

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