Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Uber Flipper Says The War On Terror Is "Wrong"

Those exact words? Nope. But being a flip flopping imbicile has it's down side:

Kerry, Monday:

"It's the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Kerry, yesterday:

" More than 1,000 of America's sons and daughters have now given their lives on behalf of their country, on behalf of freedom in the war on terror."

Kerry Spokesman David Wade, today:

"Kerry was referring to U.S. soldiers fighting in parts of Iraq that have now become a breeding ground for terrorists."

Oh, okay. All 1,000+ died "fighting in parts of Iraq that have now become a breeding ground for terrorists," but other than that, it's the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time. That clears up everything.

Boy! That Flipper SURE knows how to clear up his inconsistant positions.

Today, however, was not a single Flip Flop sort of day for the Flipper. He's going for broke:

Kerry, today: "I would not have made the wrong choices that are forcing us to pay nearly the entire cost of this war — more than $200 billion that we're not investing in education, health care and job creation here at home."

Kerry, last year:

NBC News, Meet the Press, August 31, 2003
MR. RUSSERT: Do you believe that we should reduce funding that we are now providing for the operation in Iraq?

SEN. KERRY: No. I think we should increase it.

MR. RUSSERT: Increase funding?


MR. RUSSERT: By how much?

SEN. KERRY: By whatever number of billions of dollars it takes to win. It is critical that the United States of America be successful in Iraq, Tim.

I guess he's still proud of voting against the $87 Billion the President requested to fund our troops efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. But according to the Super Duper Flipper Flopper:

Doyle McManus (LA Times): "If that amendment does not pass, will you then vote against the $87 billion?"
Kerry: "I don't think any United States senator is going to abandon our troops and recklessly leave Iraq to – to whatever follows as a result of simply cutting and running. That's irresponsible." (CBS, "Face the Nation," 9/14/03)

More? You betcha :)

Let's talk about he Gulf War 1, Senator Flipper:

Kerry, moments ago: "America has paid nearly 90 percent of the bill in Iraq. Contrast that with the Gulf War, where our allies paid 95 percent of the costs."

Unspoken: "Which raises the question of why I voted against that one and for this one. And why I cite that one as an example of the way wars ought to be fought, compared to this one."

What to make of all this? Let's ask Flipper:
December 16, at Drake University in Iowa, Kerry asserted that

"those who doubted whether Iraq or the world would be better off without Saddam Hussein, and those who believe today that we are not safer with his capture, don't have the judgment to be president or the credibility to be elected president."

Guess who doesn't have any credibility, Flipper :)


Last month, Mr. Kerry was asked by reporters whether he would have voted to authorize war even if he knew no weapons would be found.

"Yes, I would have voted for the authority," Mr. Kerry said. "I believe it's the right authority for a president to have"

Then, of course, there is always this documentary.

Flipper made a big spectacle of himself today. He was gonna clear up his position on Iraq...... BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Encore, Flipper! Encore!

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