Monday, November 17, 2003

Whilst reading Dave's post about Ba'athist "anti-war" people in Oakland, I was reminded of a gem I saw in the LA Times earlier this year. The headline read: 'Every Day Gets Worse And Worse' -- Along a busy Baghdad street struck by missiles, shocked residents curse the United States and mourn.

Fair enough, I'd say. In the third paragraph the Times writer bolsters the headline with this quote:

"Every day gets worse and worse," Sahar, a 23-year-old with a birdlike voice, said with a sigh Wednesday. "I can't imagine what will be next week."
Seems unfortunate, doesn't it?

Amazingly, in the very next paragraph, a revelation is made.

Sahar, who did not give her last name, had been assigned by the Information Ministry to guide, translate and keep an eye on foreign journalists.
As with RD's example below, the commentary of Hussein Regime officials is accepted without comment, with no grain of salt. In this case, the Hussein official is given a headline.


Make no mistake about it. There are A LOT of American Leftists who want to see us lose this war.

Click to see article (PDF)

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