Friday, July 11, 2003

Remember those who were discredited during the war? Remember those screeching howls coming from Hollywood, many in the Democratic Party and their house organs the New York Times, LA Times, et al. warning us that we were trapped in a quagmire, that over 100,000 civilians would perish, that the war was just for oil, that going to war with Iraq would harm the War on Terror? Well they Fedayeen Left is now yet again staking what little credibility they have on discrediting the war in an attempt to salvage their tarnished reputations. Clifford May makes a good case that the Fedayeen Left is again making a grave mistake.

Remember also back in 2002, seems so long ago, that these same Cassandras tried to get the scandal ball rolling that Bush knew, or had reason to know, that al Qaida was going to fly airplanes into the WTC. They claimed there was sufficient intelligence for him to know the fate of those who died that day and he decided to do nothing. Their desperate attempt failed when everyone realized that even though there was some intelligence that something was going to happen, it was not clear or certain enough for President Bush or anyone else to come to the conclusion that we would be attacked in the second week of September, 2001. But the point was that President Bush had the benefit of ambiguous intelligence and did nothing.

Jump ahead to 2003 and now look at the accusations of the discredited Left. The accusation now is that in 2003 when President Bush had the benefit of ambiguous intelligence, he had the temerity to act upon it by including it in his SOTU address. As usual, the Francophiles on the left want to have it both ways. They want to accuse President Bush of doing nothing to prevent 9/11 when he had intelligence that was neither specific nor certain and now accuse him of taking that same kind of ambiguous and uncertain intelligence and informing the American public of it during his SOTU address. This gets to the real point, and that is that President Bush cannot possibly win with these people. The nature of intelligence is that it is always prone to being inaccurate and ambiguous. With much of it, if we wait until it has been verified using a standard as vigorous as that used in a court of law (Bubba notwithstanding) it is too late to act upon it.

At this point, my only hope is that when the fate of Saddam's WMD has been determined, the egg on the face of the Fedayeen Left is commensurate with the frenzy they have invoked now. Only then will their timorous whining be relegated to where it belongs, the category of meaningless background chatter.

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