Monday, February 10, 2020

Proving the opposite

I don't look at AOC's degree and go "Wow, she must be so smart!"  I look at her degree and ask "How in the hell did a woman with the IQ of naval lint graduate cum laude, and what the hell is wrong with that school?"

Any education system that can produce someone as staggeringly stupid as Ocasio-Cortez is doing something wrong. Taxpayers are paying good money and getting dismal results.

I have long stopped being impressed by a fancy university degree, and now I'm simply disgusted at how horrible our education system has become.  That AOC is walking around with a degree in economics, and yet still doesn't understand how unemployment percentages are calculated, is a stunning indictment of Boston University and it's entire Economics department.  I bet her cum laude had a lot more to do with the cum than the laude, IYKWIMAITYD.

Is that crude and rude?  Good.  Because the other option is she got high honors due to a complete and total collapse of any standards formerly held at what used to be a prestigious university.


Deserttrek said...

Funny you say that because she does have an "adult film" actress look about her. The only problem would be those teeth.

I guarantee you there are people in her audience who think she is an intellect

Ragin' Dave said...

Her adoring audience is as mentally deficient as she is. Or worse, they know she's a moron and they're using her to advance their goals.

p2 said...

She's so economically savvy that she created a new economist, Milton Keynes. Nice, except Britain already has one and it's not a happy place.

Socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s latest little blooper was to cite the famed economist Milton Keynes. You know, that one who doesn’t exist.

Milton Keynes is actually the name of a town in Britain. That Milton Keynes is a government-designed town and famously known as the place where individuality and civilization go to die, well, I do suppose that makes Ocasio-Cortez’s interest in it at least suiting, if not accurate.

However, there's also a larger error here.

What the congresswoman meant to talk about was John Maynard Keynes and his essay “Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren.” In this essay, Keynes muses that by about 2030, we'd all be so rich that we'd only work 15 hours a week, which is what Ocasio-Cortez tries to cite to argue that this hasn't happened because of economic inequality, i.e., the rich idle while the rest of us labor on, or something.
