Tuesday, March 24, 2009

and now it begins

We knew it was coming. Here it is.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed declaration that greenhouse gases pose a health danger may increase pressure on Congress to pass new limits on emissions from coal-fired power plants and factories.

Obama is still having issues with his budget

Wee little bambam has to go to Capital Hill to persuade Democrats, his own party, to pass HIS bill. It is nice to see that not just the Republican party is concerned about the staggering numbers of having to borrow over $9.3 TRILLION over the next 10 years, which is $2.3+ trillion MORE than was estimated by the White House. In 5 years this will double the national debt, in 10 triple it. The indication, from the White House, is that Obama is willing to accept cuts anywhere except his programs, health care, education and clean energy.

Gee Mr. President aren't these the things that are making the debt so huge? What happened to cutting the national deficit? Keep in mind when he was discussing cutting the national deficit, he was only talking about the annual national spending deficit, not the one that has China and Japan all but owners of our country.

Finally someone on Capital Hill gets it

WND reported Posey's H.R. 1503, an amendment to the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, would "require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of president to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution."

Posey is suggesting something that should have been introduced a long time ago.

Just because what he is asking for is common sense and may get in the way of the Democrat party he has people like, U.S. Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii calling his judgement skewed and saying that by the time someone is running for President that their citizenship doesn't matter.

I personally welcome Posey and hope he keeps up the good work.

Monday, March 23, 2009


SEATTLE - Seattle will be a one-newspaper town after Tuesday, when the 146-year-old Seattle Post-Intelligencer prints its last edition.

The P-I will continue to live on the Internet with a much smaller staff.

Parent company Hearst Corp. says it has failed to find a buyer for the newspaper, which it put up for sale in January after nine years of financial losses.

The end of the print edition leaves The Seattle Times as the only major daily in the city.

The announcement comes about two weeks after Denver's Rocky Mountain News published its final edition.

I don't know about the Rocky Mountain News, but the Seattle PI was nothing more than another Leftist rag, spewing biased opinion as "news". Choke on it and piss off, you Leftist rag. I'll be drinking to your demise, and hoping that your online news goes under as well.

I know that there will be people bemoaning the loss of another newspaper, and talking about how this somehow hurts the country, but we didn't lose a "newspaper". We lost another arm of the Democrat American Communist Party propaganda machine. They didn't print the news, unless it was in the Sports section. They printed a load of biased crap, and I wouldn't use the PI to wrap up fish or line a birdcage. If I wanted Communist propaganda when I lived in Seattle, I'd just grab a copy of the Seattle Weekly. It was free, and the bias was the same.

When the New York Times goes under, I'm throwing a party. You'll all be invited.

If you deal with moonbats re: AIG bonuses

I've had a few dealings with the random and various civilians I deal with on a day to day basis. The subject of AIG bonuses came up, with the predictable "I think Schumer is right! Let's tax it all!" Blah blah blah blah blah.

It might be nice to remind those moonbats that the AIG bonuses were written into law by none other than Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, and voted for by Chucky Schumer, and signed into law by Teleprompter Jesus himself. So all the Democrat American Communist Party members who are throwing a shrieking, poo-flinging temper-tantrum about the AIG bonuses are the very people who made them happen.

So that could mean a couple of different things, all of which could be true, possibly at the same time -

1) That congresscritters don't understand what they write when they craft a bill or an amendment.
2) That congresscritters don't understand what they're voting for.
3) That congresscritters don't read what they're voting for.
4) That Teleprompter Jesus doesn't read or understand what he signs into law.
5) That all the politicians know exactly what they're doing, and this is nothing more than political Kabuki Theater put on by a bunch of flaming hypocrites who need to be tarred and feathered.

Any of it is plausible.

Photo Time

From the "Where did Dave go?" files.... (clicken for biggen!)

This is a night-time shot of San Diego Bay looking North from the top of the downtown Hyatt. It's 1.59MB if you want to download it.

As an aside, if anyone wants to use these photos, please just attribute them to me somehow. A link, an email, whatever. I'm thinking about using some graphic program to put my signature on them somehow. But I figure that if you've been coming here and reading my tripe for any amount of time, you should at least be entitled to some sort of special privileges.

Approaching Heretic Status here...

But I don't give two hoots about basketball. It started with the NBA, where I might watch a few games but don't really care who wins, and now I can't even get excited about March Madness.

I guess I have more important things in my life.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama's ACORN Brownshirts' Ritch-hunt!

It is important to remember the (D)emocrats are fanning the flames of outrage over payouts to AIG executives that the (D)emocrats approved, after accepting massive campaign contributions. To pass an unConstitutional and retroactive Bill of Attainder to sieze those bonus payouts, wages earned I remind you, is as offensive to liberty as it is hypocritical.

Is it flirting with 'trutherism' to suggest that the very tactic, of manufactured crisis, that the Left so frequently projects upon it's target might be a well documented method?

Michelle Malkin : Look beyond the bogus bonus smokescreen
...the little-noticed $6 billion GIVE Act, which just passed the House — and which looks like the very kind of Soros Slush Fund I warned about last summer. Also note the rising cost of the $2 trillion cap-and-trade scheme...
“U.S. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad said on Thursday he expects federal deficit spending will be about $1.6 trillion greater over the next ten years than President Barack Obama’s budget plan forecasts. Obama submitted his budget outline to Congress last month which forecast almost $7 trillion in deficits through 2019, however a worsening economic picture is expected to make the budget outlook darker. Conrad told reporters that the additional $1.6 trillion over the next decade was based on projections of the Democratic majority’s budget committee staff.” -- Kent Conrad(D)
Where others see method, Ed Morrissey sees incompetence: Announcing the Obamateurism of the Day feature!
This week has certainly given us plenty of material, but I’ve already linked the AIG-is-a-suicide-bomber and the Special Olympics gaffes that Weisberg is trying mightily not to spot
But even Ed Morrissey has to concede : Setting the mobs loose
Just in case people didn’t figure out what the end result of all this faux outrage over AIG bonuses would be, New York Magazine reports on the latest in liberal-populist tourism. Community organizers for Connecticut Working Families Party want to send busloads of outrageously outraged people to the doorsteps of AIG executives’ homes … and claim that they don’t want to put them at risk. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...
Remember when Bill Clinton accused conservative talk radio of fomenting hate?
Fausta’s Blog : What a shock — CWFP is an arm of ACORN.
...of all the news of the past sixty days this I find the most disturbing of all
Sweetness & Light : ACORN Behind ‘Protests’ At AIG Homes
...who are Connecticut Working Families?

Why a couple of mouse clicks would tell any interested journalist that they were ‘founded’ by none other than ACORN.
The only question is why does ACORN feel the need to hide behind a front group?
Van Helsing : Careful About Answering Your Doorbell
You can't ignore Obamunism. Not only will it destroy you financially, Obamamites will even come banging on your door, demanding fealty to their pencil-necked socialist lord.
"Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual." -- Michelle Obama
Sweetness & Light : Cloward-Piven, ACORN And AIG Witch Hunt
The DTN article goes into much of the recent voter fraud allegations and convictions involving ACORN. As previously noted, voter fraud is part and parcel of the Cloward-Piven strategy of overwhelming the system.
But with their recent demonstrations against the very politicians, banks and insurers who caved to ACORN’s demands and gave and insured these loans to the poor, we are seeing the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’ coming full circle.

One is literally damned if you do and damned if you don’t do exactly what ACORN and demands.
Are we not witnessing the culmination and ultimate triumph of the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’?
Largest radical group in America, with more than 400,000 dues-paying member families, and more than 1,200 chapters in 110 U.S. cities

Implicated in numerous reports of fraudulent voter registration, vote-rigging, voter intimidation, and vote-for-pay scams during the 2004 election

Maintains close ties to organized labor
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is a grassroots political organization that grew out of George Wiley's National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), whose members in the late 1960s and early 70s invaded welfare offices across the U.S. -- often violently -- bullying social workers and loudly demanding every penny to which the law "entitled" them. In the late 1960s, ACORN co-founder Wade Rathke was a NWRO organizer and a protegé of Wiley. Rathke also organized draft resistance for the militant group Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) during the same period.
Yes... that would be the SDS that became Weathermen in which Barack Hussein Obama's good friend Bill Ayers started a bombing campaign.
In 1970 Rathke -- along with the aforementioned Wiley (best known for his effective use of the so-called "Cloward-Piven strategy," which called for swamping the welfare rolls with new applicants and thereby creating an economic crisis) and Gary Delgado (a lead organizer for Wiley's NWRO) -- formed a new entity called Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The group's name was later changed to Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, but the acronym ACORN remained. Instead of focusing only on welfare recipients, ACORN's mandate included all issues touching low-income and working-class people.

Rathke and his ACORN co-founders enlisted civil rights workers and trained them in a program (at Syracuse University) patterned after Saul Alinsky's activist tactics.
Sweetness & Light : The Many Tentacles Of ‘Cloward-Piven’
...the left is seeking to blame the current economic crisis on a conspiracy that is an inversion of the actual facts.
Notice how the people who espouse the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’ run like a scarlet thread through the organizations that figure so largely in the housing and banking – and voting – scandals.

Note too how President Obama, a confessed Alinsky acolyte, worked for the Cloward-Piven inspired “Project Vote” project. In fact, it is one of his proudest achievements...
Mr. Obama continued to work for “Project Vote/ACORN” and the Cloward-Piven people for many years later – as an instructor in their “power training” classes– despite his many claims to the contrary.
Discover The Networks : CLOWARD-PIVEN STRATEGY
First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.
Cloward-Piven's early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration.
..."cadres of aggressive organizers" to use "demonstrations to create a climate of militancy."
This was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse movements -- mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. The flood of demands was calculated to break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down. Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown -- providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change.
The Cloward-Piven strategy depended on surprise. Once society recovered from the initial shock, the backlash began. New York's welfare crisis horrified America, giving rise to a reform movement which culminated in "the end of welfare as we know it" -- the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, which imposed time limits on federal welfare, along with strict eligibility and work requirements. Both Cloward and Piven attended the White House signing of the bill as guests of President Clinton.
Cloward and Piven never again revealed their intentions as candidly as they had in their 1966 article. Even so, their activism in subsequent years continued to rely on the tactic of overloading the system. When the public caught on to their welfare scheme, Cloward and Piven simply moved on, applying pressure to other sectors of the bureaucracy, wherever they detected weakness.
Project Vote is an ACORN front group, launched by former NWRO organizer and ACORN co-founder Zach Polett. Human SERVE was founded by Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, along with a former NWRO organizer named Hulbert James.
All three of these organizations -- ACORN, Project Vote and Human SERVE -- set to work lobbying energetically for the so-called Motor-Voter law, which Bill Clinton ultimately signed in 1993. The Motor-Voter bill is largely responsible for swamping the voter rolls with "dead wood" -- invalid registrations signed in the name of deceased, ineligible or non-existent people -- thus opening the door to the unprecedented levels of voter fraud and "voter disenfranchisement" claims that followed in subsequent elections.

The new "voting rights" coalition combines mass voter registration drives -- typically featuring high levels of fraud -- with systematic intimidation of election officials in the form of frivolous lawsuits, unfounded charges of "racism" and "disenfranchisement," and "direct action" (street protests, violent or otherwise). Just as they swamped America's welfare offices in the 1960s, Cloward-Piven devotees now seek to overwhelm the nation's understaffed and poorly policed electoral system. Their tactics set the stage for the Florida recount crisis of 2000, and have introduced a level of fear, tension and foreboding to U.S. elections heretofore encountered mainly in Third World countries.

Both the Living Wage and Voting Rights movements depend heavily on financial support from George Soros's Open Society Institute and his "Shadow Party," through whose support the Cloward-Piven strategy continues to provide a blueprint for some of the Left's most ambitious campaigns.
Sweetness & Light on the narrative behind the threat of violence : How The Left Is Spinning The Bank Crisis
Why post the long winded ravings of an obvious lunatic, whose big claim to fame is insisting that the Challenger disaster was a conspiracy and whose highest achievement is teaching history once upon a time at a girls prep school?

Well, for one thing this interview provides the rest of us a chilling glimpse into the minds of the ultra fringe left, who like it or not, now control more and more of our government and its policies.
The ‘Cloward–Piven Strategy’ is a movement we have referenced several times before over the years on this site, especially with regard to ACORN, Project Vote and the National Welfare Rights Organization.
It's all part of the pogram, or did you forget about the new "Obama Youth" : House adopts plan for 'volunteer' corps
Also requires new evaluation of 'mandatory' service for all.
The legislation also refers to "uniforms" that would be worn by the "volunteers" and the "need" for a "public service academy, a 4-year institution" to "focus on training" future "public sector leaders." The training, apparently, would occur at "campuses."

The vote yesterday came on H.R. 1388, which reauthorizes through 2014 the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, acts that originally, among other programs, funded the AmeriCorps and the National Senior Service Corps.

It not only reauthorizes the programs, but also includes "new programs and studies" and is expected to be funded with an allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
The video of his statements is posted here...
...when a copy of the speech provided online apparently was edited to exclude Obama's specific references to the new force.
So is it 'trutherism' to document how George Soros money, Bill Ayers terrorist legacy, ACORN's Brownshirt tactics, Cloward-Piven strategy and Saul Alinsky's tactics are all behind... Barack Hussein Obama?

Cross Posted at DANEgerus


So, yeah, anyways, all you moonbats out there who wanted "peace", tell me....

Earlier this month, the Chinese started harassing an unarmed Navy exploration vessel, requiring the US to send armed escorts into the international waters of the South China Sea. North Korea is about to launch an ICBM with a reported range that easily includes American territory. Moscow has flipped Kyrgyzstan and put our supply routes into Afghanistan in jeopardy.

Just how is that whole electing an complete and total amateur, a spineless pissant, a weak jellyfish, a world novice, an unprepared do-nothing junior senator with nothing but glib phrases... how's that working out for ya, anyways?

Biden was right; they’re testing the mettle of the new President. Evidentally, they’re finding that he doesn’t have much, and they’re becoming more and more arrogant about their provocations.
I'd really love to know how prostrating ourselves in front of the world's tyrants is supposed to make us safer. Because that's what this administration's defense policy seems to be. "Oh, but I'm not George Bush! I'm a nice guy! I have Hope and Change on my side! Let's be friends!" Yeah, real coherent defense policy. We already knew why the terrorist groups around the world wanted Obama to win. Now we see why China and Russia wanted him to win as well. Because now they can do anything they want around the world, and that jug-eared dipshit won't so a single thing to stop them.

Hope and Change! Hope and Change! Hope and Change! Yeah, a great slogan for brain-dead fucktards who are incapable of understanding more than one sentance at a time, but not a real good defense policy.

Another Myth, destroyed

What myth, you ask? Why, that would be the myth of Jewish superiority and world domination.

Consider this - for years, I've had lunatics try to tell me that Jews controlled the world, or that I was nothing more than a Jewish neo-con puppet, or some such tripe like that. I honestly just brushed it off, because that's all you can do with something that stupid.

My response is, if Jews are so smart that they control the world, why does the Jewish vote always go to the Democrat American Communist Party?

Consider this, if you will. Link found at KisP.

First, last Saturday, The Boston Globe reported that Paul Volcker, who serves as President Barack Obama's economic recovery adviser, and several former senior US officials have written a letter to Obama calling for the US to recognize Hamas. As one of the signatories, Brent Scowcroft, who was national security adviser under president George H.W. Bush, explained, "I see no reason not to talk to Hamas."

Scowcroft further argued, "The main gist is that you need to push hard on the Palestinian peace process. Don't move it to end of your agenda and say you have too much to do. And the US needs to have a position, not just hold their coats while they sit down."

Congressional sources claim that Obama has selected Scowcroft to replace Chas Freeman as chairman of the National Intelligence Council.

The second reason that it is becoming apparent that the Obama administration is poised to recognize Hamas is that on Thursday, Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman held talks at the State Department with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and enjoined the administration to support the reestablishment of a Hamas-Fatah unity government to control and reunify the Palestinian Authority in Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

This is significant because it is becoming apparent that top administration officials only meet with people who tell them what they want to hear.

Case in point is IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi's trip this week to Washington. Ashkenazi went to the US to brief top administration officials on Iran's progress toward a nuclear bomb. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Ashkenazi's counterpart, Adm. Michael Mullen, both managed to be out of town. Defense Ministry sources say that Ashkenazi only met with National Security Adviser James Jones, who reportedly wished to speak exclusively about the Palestinians, and with Clinton's Iran adviser Dennis Ross, whose role in shaping US policy toward Iran remains unclear.

Now, by all means go read the whole thing, and gaze in horror as the USA gives the cold shoulder to our one true ally in the Middle East. And then prepare to vomit as you see that this administration is greasing up it's bunghole in preparation of bending over and getting assfucked by the sub-human terrorist swine of Hamas.

The Jewish vote? They voted for this.

For some reason, when you break down votes by ethnic group, the Jewish vote always goes to the Democrat American Communist Party. You would think that a group of people who secretly ruled the world would at least want to be Republicans, so that they could keep more of their filthy lucre. But no, all those successful people have voted to have their money taxed away! You would think that a Jewish Cabal tugging on the puppet strings in Washington D.C. would vote for the politician most likely to flatten the various terrorist groups that constantly threaten Israel, but instead that group voted for the politician and the party who have a long, sordid history of capitulating to terrorist groups at each and every opportunity. Brent Scowecroft wants the USA to "push hard on the peace process" with Hamas?

"Push hard on the peace process" Brent? Do you even understand what you just said? How did someone this damned ignorant get to a position of power in the government?

Yeah, gee, let's "push hard on the peace process" with a group that refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist. Let's "push hard on the peace" process with a group who's founding charter calls for genocide and the destruction of an entire country, that country being Israel. Tell me Brent, just how do you "push hard on the peace process" with a group that has rejected peace since it's very inception?

The Jewish vote went to the political party that would let them all die, if push came to shove. The Jewish vote went to the political party that wants to divest itself of that pesky little Israel problem. The Jewish vote went to the political party that surrenders to, and thus encourages and grows, various terrorist groups around the world, all of whom want to kill the Jews and destroy Israel.

And yet I'm supposed to believe that there's this Jewish cabal running the world? Please. I think that myth is safely destroyed.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Firearm tracking bill

U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., is hoping to pass a firearm-licensing bill that will significantly rewrite gun-ownership laws in America.

Among the more controversial provisions of the bill are requirements that all handgun owners submit to the federal government a photo, thumb print and mental heath records. Further, the bill would order the attorney general to establish a database of every handgun sale, transfer and owner's address in America.

The bill claims its purpose is "to protect the public against the unreasonable risk of injury and death associated with the unrecorded sale or transfer of firearms to criminals and youth."

If you don't have a shrink you don't have mental health records!!! Fine, this law would fix that for you and require your mental health to be evaluated. I am certain that evaluation would be fair and impartial(lol). I would have no issue if you were required to take a firearm safety course before obtaining a gun. I even understand running a criminal check. The Brady bill is BOGUS! This is insane.

I keep seeing all of these anti-gun agendas today. All I can think is with the attempt to sell shredded brass casing to china and the laser etched bullets in 19 states the new plan is not to get rid of guns through laws but expense. The problem is the harder for people to get guns, the more those of us who believe in our bill of rights will have guns.

Long live the 2nd Amendment!

H.R. 1022

This is a nice little piece brought down from the current administration that attacks the second amendment despite the Supreme Court ruling last year.

"The last part is particularly clever, stating that a firearm doesn't have a sporting purpose just because it can be used for sporting purpose – is that devious or what? And of course, 'sporting purpose' is a rights infringement with no constitutional or historical support whatsoever, invented by domestic enemies of the right to keep and bear arms to further their cause of disarming the innocent," he said.

Korwin told WND a new proposal to replace H.R. 1022 is not expected to be less draconian.

"Remember – these bans were proposed when the congressional anti-rights crowd had no chance of success. Now they are ready to run wild, or according to Sarah (Brady) herself, 'I have never been so confident,'" Korwin wrote, referring to the champion of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, which requires background checks

on purchasers of handguns.

Korwin said the Democrats listed in H.R. 1022 a framework for guns to be banned that includes originals, copies or duplicates of a wide-ranging list of shotguns, pistols and rifles.

One of the red flags for semiautomatic rifles would be "anything" that can serve as a grip, and as set up now, the Democrat members of the Judiciary Committee "are all sworn enemies to the Second Amendment and are unlikely to be swayed at all by any firearms related arguments," he said.

Muslims rioting in Sweden

Seems that they don't take kindly to Western Civilization, do they?

Yannow, between the Teleprompter Jesus and his Communist Cohort Congress driving this country into ruin, liberal asshats taking their temper tantrums to a national level, voter fraud perpetrated by the Liberal Lord and Messiah and cheered on by the Left, and illegal immigrants hopping over our border to kidnap someone in Phoenix for the Mexican drug cartels, I'm at the point where if Muslim "youths" were to start rioting and torching cars in my area, I'd simply take my deer rifle out for a little target practice.

Found at Eternity Road, in a piece that should be read on all it's own.

Just in case you were wondering...

THIS is how the Liberal Lord and Messiah managed to insult the Brazilians.

His meet and greet with the U.S. president was bumped to Saturday, and when the White House announced his official visit, they misspelled his name.


Silva aides said the trip was pushed forward from Tuesday because of the St. Patrick's Day holiday - making Latin America once again look like an afterthought. Then, the White House announcement misspelled his name as "Luis Ignacio" and put "Lula" - a nickname that decades ago became a legal part of the Brazilian leader's name - in quotes.

It's Amateur Hour at the White House. I guess those little things like "protocol" don't come across well on a teleprompter.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ragin' Dave's quote 'o the day

Since the Mrs. has given you her quote down below, let me toss this little bugger into the fray, by one Gonzo, who I seem to be quoting quite often as of late:

50 plus days into the Era of The Messiah, of Teleprompter Jesus, and he’s managed to insult the Brits - a couple times - Insult the Brazilians, has broken the “Transparency” promise, has broken the promise of earmarks, has broken the promise to keep lobbyists out of his administration - Hell, the biggest difference between Teleprompter Jesus and the real Jesus is that the real Jesus knew how to build a fucking cabinet.
You have GOT to read the whole thing.

Illinois budget-three stikes...

I had to post this quote because...

"I think Illinoisans want to know, 'Before you raise my cost of living, what are you going to do to clean up Illinois government? What are you going to do to reform it? What are you going to do to fumigate that government?"' said House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Census Bureau partnered with A.C.O.R.N

I have ideas of what kind of mischief A.C.O.R.N is up to this time, just read the last paragraph in this post, and let your imagination go wild. I personally am imagining suddenly needing more Representatives for Liberal areas. Since they are involved I have no doubt that corruption is at the heart of it! With the current corruption on Communist Hill I doubt anyone would get in trouble even if a mis count was proven.

The bureau is currently employing help from more than 250 national partners, including TARGET and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), to assist in the hiring effort.

But ACORN's partnership with the 2010 Census is worrisome to lawmakers who say past allegations of fraud should raise concerns about the organization.

"It's a concern, especially when you look at all the different charges of voter fraud. And it's not just the lawmakers' concern. It should be the concern of every citizen in the country," Rep. Lynn A. Westmoreland, R-Ga., vice ranking member of the subcommittee for the U.S. Census, told FOXNews.com. "We want an enumeration. We don't want to have any false numbers."

The census is an official count of the country's population mandated by the U.S. Constitution. It is used to determine distribution of taxpayer money through grants and appropriations and the apportionment of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives. Every U.S. household unit, including those occupied by non-citizens and illegal immigrants, must be counted.

Mexico's blackmail tariffs begin

Here is a partial list:

A list of some of the U.S. products subject to retaliatory tariffs as a result of the cross-border trucking dispute (the tariffs cover only specific types of some products):

Christmas trees, onions, pears, apricots, cherries, strawberries, grapes, dried fruit mixes, lettuce, potatoes, peas, almonds, fruit and vegetable juices, prepared soups, wine, pet foods, shampoo, hairspray, dental floss, aftershave, deodorant, plastic kitchenware, printer paper, toilet paper, refrigerators, coffee makers, dishwashers, washing machines, sunglasses, ball point pens, marking pens, pencils and yarn.

The vast majority of these things are made in China and distributed by U.S. companies like Proctor & Gamble or Johnson & Johnson. The tariffs only go up to 20%. It sounds like the hope is that Mexican's will stop buying these products and it will adversely affect Texas to the point that we will give in. But my understanding, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that we stopped this program because their trucks and truckers were not in compliance with the rules.

With the relations with Mexico being what they are I say stick to our guns, build the fence and do constant military war games on the border, using paintballs, allowing anyone who is in the "game field", including wet-backs, to be shot and have border patrol on standby.

I don't feel the need to support a country that expects us to support it through illegal _____________, fill in the blank, when their government is complaining that too many of them are coming back across the border and we are reaping the damage of their self inflicted corruption that we are trying to fight in our own country. I have no pity for them. I have no support for them. Kick Paco and Jose back to Mexico unless they have come here legally. Keep jobs for people who are supposed to be here. Maybe that will help lower these unemployment rates, especially in states like California which is over 10%.

My brother-in-law is a naturalized citizen who was born in Mexico. I can tell you from talking with him and other legal immigrants that no one is more against illegal immigration than legal immigrants!

Obama backs off plan to screw soldiers

For now....

But if you wanted t0 know how the Teleprompter Jesus and the rest of his Communist Cohorts feel about the military, all you have to do is just LOOK at what he's proposing. Keep an eye on him - this won't be the last time the Liberal Lord and Messiah tries to fuck the military. This was just the opening salvo, if you will. He's got four years for the Democrat American Communist Party to destroy the military, and they're going to be attempting to do just that.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Charlie Daniels has two plans to deal with the Mexican Drug Cartels

Any thinking person has long known that the debacle at our Southern border would eventually turn into something ugly and nasty and our gelded politicians -of both parties- have refused to even acknowledge the severity of the problem, much less deal with it.

Well now the time has come and we have two choices:

1) Give California, Arizona and Texas back to Mexico

2) Take the gloves off and mount an all out border war with these bloodthirsty thugs.

Destroy their drug tunnels, confiscate and destroy their drugs and ultimately destroy them, by whatever means necessary.

It is extremely hard for me to imagine that members of Congress are spending their time grabbing Obama pork and pursuing their own miserable little ambitions like trying to impeach an administration that is totally out of office, while a well-armed terrorist army is poised to take over thousands of miles of our borders with Mexico.

Is everybody in Washington deaf, or completely out of touch? Or is it that both parties are so busy trying to make each other look bad that they just don't care?

We've got another potential Iraq on our border. The drug cartels already practically own the state of Sinaloa, they slaughter people daily in Juarez just across the Rio Grande river from El Paso, Texas. Phoenix, Arizona is now the kidnap capitol of America as enforcers come across the border to ensure the payment of overdue drug debts by kidnapping wives and children.

Last post about AIG Bonuses

Yes. I know I posted on this subject a lot lately. And I am certain you are fairly bored with it. That is why this shall be the last post about it.

I think the words on a previous comment, describing all of this fuss about the Executive bonuses as "faux outrage" is correct. The reality is that even though some of our congress critters did not want to allow for bonuses that the final wording of the bail-out allowed for it. At this point neither the White House or Congress can get that money back. The Raging Dave frequently tells me the press is still doing damage control for the White House. I am usually in disbelief considering how much damning information comes across the Main Stream Media these days. I think this finally coming out is proof of what he says.

But though some lawmakers did move to prevent bonuses in the stimulus bill last month, the final language actually makes an exception for pre-existing contracts, effectively exempting AIG.

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd, D-Connecticut, who originally proposed the executive compensation provision, said he did not include the exemption clause, which said new rules "shall not be construed to prohibit any bonus payment required to be paid pursuant to a written employment contract executed on or before February 11, 2009."

In an interview with CNN, Dodd denied inserting that exemption at the 11th hour, and insisted he doesn't know how it got there.

"When I wrote the language there was no such language like that," Dodd told CNN Tuesday.