Tuesday, April 20, 2004

More twaddle from the fishwrap

The local media is just starting to wind up the partisan hype, and it's already calf-deep in Seattle. This next piece is just an example of the kind of bullshit that passes for "news" in this town. As usual, all emphasis is mine.

It was just one name yesterday morning: Raymond E. Jones Jr.

He was 31, an Army staff sergeant from Gainesville, Fla., and a member of the 1st Infantry Division.

Jones' listing as the latest American soldier to be killed in Iraq didn't take up much space in the paper. But the weight of his death on his family must be unbearable.

And the rest of us are starting to feel the weight placed on the public by President Bush's private decision to go to war.

Did you get that? It's all Bush's fault. Never mind the 14 different UN resolutions, never mind Saddam's violation of the 1991 ceasefire agreement, never mind the act of Congress authorizing military force, it's all "President Bush's private decision". What a stupid bint.

The past few days have revealed much about how we were painted into this corner of some 700 U.S. dead and billions spent.

Painted into this corner? By who? Right now there are two choices - either this war was justified, or you just admitted that you are so stupid and gullible that you allowed yourself to be led around by the nose. Which one is it, Ms. Brodeur?

On Sunday's "60 Minutes," Bob Woodward discussed his new book, "Plan of Attack," in which he charges that Bush's war plans were made in near-secret. He said not even Secretary of State Colin Powell knew of the plans until the planes were all but fueled up.

All the general could do then was ask Bush if he was "aware of the consequences."

If you actually believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell ya, cheap. Or did you forget Colin Powell's presentation before the UN? Let me tell you something, you little twit, a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff turned Secretary Of State is briefed on situations that MIGHT JUST IMPACT HIS JOB, don't you think?

Oh, right, you're in your little "Liberal Land", where logic doesn't exist, it's all happy flowers and bunnies.

Powell denied that yesterday. He said he knew and supported the war plan.

Yeah, it might have something to do with the fact that he gets face-to-face meetings with the President, don't you think?

But the he-said, he-said of this saga pales as "the consequences" mount. Readers of The Seattle Times got a look at them Sunday in a front-page photo of flag-draped coffins inside a cargo plane at Kuwait International Airport. I counted 18; six rows of three.

Good, you know how to count. Too bad you don't know how to actually talk to the soldiers who loaded those coffins, you might actually learn something.

This is what war looks like. This is what comes back when all the beady-eyed threats and finger-pointing are carried out.

Get it? "Beady-eyed threats and finger pointing". It's all Bush's fault, har har har. Saddam wasn't doing anything (except lying to the UN, violating international law, and murdering thousands of Iraqi's a day)

Until now, America has been allowed only glimpses of what we deserve to know.

Your ignorance of what war truly is comes from your refusal to deal with anything that might include reality. Amazing how many of the people who are FOR the war have actually had experience with combat. You, on the other hand, did nothing but sneer at those of us who supported ousting Saddam as "Simplistic". Now you want to use the bodies of the men you derided months ago as proof that they were wrong. Piss off, you stupid bitch!

The White House version of this war includes the "saving" of Jessica Lynch and the capture of Saddam Hussein, gleefully played like a clip from "Celebrities Uncensored."

But now this photo: wonderfully imperfect humans contained in sharp-edged boxes, wrapped in flags that represent the courage they embodied.

I honor them.

You HONOR them? Don't make me laugh! These are the people you described as "dupes", "rubes", and various other names during your hysterical screeching before we went into Iraq! But I guess a dead soldier is the only kind of soldier you like, isn't it?

But does the White House honor us? It kept us in that dark corner, not trusting us to say what should happen to our tax dollars and our kids. Precious cargo, indeed.

The White House has put out flaming assloads of information, you just didn't like what it said. So you ignored it, and now you whine about how you "weren't informed". Too fucking bad for you!

To believe Woodward is to believe your worst fears: Bush was a frat boy eager to prove himself, and Vice President Dick Cheney was his grudge-carrying enabler, the upperclassman outside the liquor store with a ready ID.

To believe Woodward is to prove that you are indeed a brain-dead moronic fuckstick incapable of tying your own shoes on a daily basis without instruction. Weren't you just whining about how you were duped earlier? And now you're going to follow someone else on the basis of a book they wrote? You truly ARE a fucking dipshit, and any ignorance on your part is due to your own gullibility, you twitterpated shitsack!

Bush's vows of vengeance ring a little hollow now that the dead can be seen, Spain is pulling out and the injured who come home can't sleep long enough to dream.

Spain is pulling out? Wait, I thought we were "unilateral"! Stop the presses! Luckily we still have allies who's leadership doesn't bend over and grab their ankles for Al-Queda.

The war has turned personal, and you feel powerless, like a passenger in a speeding car with everything that matters to you in the trunk.

The other day I sat in a coffee shop with a friend, watching our sons goof off.

I thought about how fast time was flying, and then felt my warm thoughts go cold.

Bush's war legacy could become my son's future. It's years away, but still ...

Bush's war... so I guess you think that if we just left those poor lil dictators and terrorists alone, everything would be fine? Dear god, you're as dumb as a wet sack of dogshit, you know that? And what's worse, you are that stupid because YOU CHOOSE TO BE. You ignore every threat made by Bin Ladin. You ignore every statement made by the terrorists. You ignore every scrap of evidence that clearly shows the terrorists want to kill us BECAUSE WE ARE AMERICAN. Thank god there's someone in the White House that is NOT as fucking brain dead as you are, Ms. Brodeur, because if we all followed YOUR leadership style I bet even money that NYC would be a mushroom cloud right now.

Consider this from Woodward's book:

"How is history likely to judge your Iraq war?" he asked the president.

"History?" Bush replied. "We won't know. We'll all be dead."

Raymond E. Jones Jr. might not be — if we had known more.

SSG Jones knew everything he needed to know, you ignorant bint. Which is more than I can say for you, after reading this pile of trash you call an "article".

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! I need to get the hell out of this stinking shithole disguised as a city!

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