Saturday, June 10, 2023

Chiquita Banana


1 comment:

Drumwaster said...

Trump was impeached for asking a foreign leader to cooperate with a US investigation. Biden called a foreign leader to get their assistance in illegally covering up how bad the situation in Afghanistan had gotten, and yet the Democrats and the Media (BIRM) claimed "not the same!".

OF COURSE it wasn't the same. Their guy had actually committed a crime, while Trump hadn't.

It's the same with this "classified documents" nonsense. Trump ordered the declassification of documents, and the Shadow Government tried to claim that the documents needed to be vetted by them first, and until their permission had been granted, they were still classified (which is the exact opposite of what the procedure actually is, since the President outranks every OADR stamp in the bureaucracy). Biden never had declassification authority, either as Senator or Vice President, yet was found in possession of thousands of classified documents. Hillary never had declassification authority, either as First Lady, carpetbagging Senator or Secretary of State, yet was found in possession of highly classified documents, up to and including TS NOFORN. And amazingly enough the DOJ and FBI had no problem with either of those.

Time for another noose garage pull scandal or the Fednapping of the Wise Latina, just to clamp down on the Bill of Rights, just before the next election. (Remember that I said "before 2025"? Wasn't kidding.)