Thursday, February 23, 2023

Declining birth rates? I'd say the globalists got what they wanted

 And the civilized world is pretty much fucked.

All of the nineteen countries studied saw accelerating declines in births in 2022, beginning at nine months after peak COVID vaccine uptake. Note the small p values in the following table, favoring temporal association of the two events. This, in turn, supports the Bradford Hill temporality criterion regarding causation of infertility, rather than a highly coincidental correlation between peak vaccination in spring of 2021 and sharply declining birth rates nine months later.

So yes, we knew that the jab cause harm to the reproductive organs.  All the big pharma companies knew it, and they pushed it anyways.  All the people in the government either knew that fact, or they were ignorant pieces of shit pushing a poisonous jab.  

I didn't get the jab, but I'm old.  So is my wife.  We're out of the gene pool just based on age.  I feel sorry for the younger generation who got suckered into this, and I hope they exact their revenge.

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