Thursday, January 12, 2023

Drooling Joe and his classified documents

 Is anyone shocked that Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants left classified shit just lying around?  Anyone?

And is anyone shocked that the fucking jack-booted Gestapo gave him the kiddy-glove treatment rather than the full Mar-a-Lago?

The only real satisfaction anyone on the right is going to get from this whole bullshit situation is watching someone throw Drooling Joe's words in the fact of his professional liar.  And can we admit that the professional liar we're speaking of is not only one of the most incompetent professional liars but also one of the dumbest.  Of course, that may just be due to who she works for, and also because of muh diversity.  Why did she get the job?  Because she's black and gay.  

That's it.  Kinda like why Mayor Pete Booty-judge got the job as Transportation Secretary.  He was gay.  That's it.  That's his entire list of qualifications for the job.  Hey, how's that working out for the country, eh?  Anyone enjoy their flight delays from yesterday?  But boy, Pete Booty-judge is laser focused on what really matters:  Language.

Fuck it.  I'm on day ten in a row and I'm fucking tired.  All I can do at this point is watch the shitshow unfold and buy more ammo.

1 comment:

0007 said...

worked in State Dept. for 10 years. 20+ years on classified DoD projects before that. First thing I want to know is why are the droolin' pedo's lawyers still being allowed to paw through those boxes? As quick as the first piece of classified material was found that whole operation should have been shut down and the feds notified. Oh, wait we're talkin' about members of the commie-crat party here. Carry on. . .