Friday, November 11, 2022

US Army tells Drill SGTs "No more screaming"

I just....  fucking can't.

By the time this current crop of "leadership" is done, we're going to end up with the 69th Intersectional Dildo Brigade getting absolutely fucking DESTROYED by a country who actually trains their troops for combat.


George Mckay said...

Our DI did not have to scream at us. He could use his voice and size to intimidate most into following his instructions. Those who didn't were sorry sumbitches.

Society has raised an entire generation - Gen-Z who are wimps and cowards. They blow with the wind and have no roots. May god have mercy on our souls.

Drumwaster said...

By groups such as the Junior Cub Scout Den of North Central North Dakota.

Ragin' Dave said...

Drum, that almost made me snort coffee out my nose.