Monday, August 22, 2022

Government Thugs, unleashed on the Middle Class

 The IRS, making sure landscaping company owners properly report how they paid for their vehicles!

There’s a reason Democrats blocked efforts to keep their new 87,000 IRS agents from auditing anyone making under $400k, and if we needed proof, all we have to do is watch this IRS training scenario posted by Thomas Massie.

Notice who they’re going after … it’s not some evil billionaire.

At this point, abolishing the IRS is the only think that will save Americans from getting hammered.  If you think all these new agents are just there to check your taxes?  Hah and double-hah.  These are the new Stormtroopers of the DNC


Drumwaster said...

Gosh, that sounds familiar...

"..He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance...."

George Mckay said...

The Fair Tax is the only solution that is truly viable. The IRS has WAY too much power and cna destroy anybody anytime they wish to.

I know this will not please the left but, if we want to save our Republic this type of thinking is the only solution. Weaponizing the tax collector will only result in people killed for - what? Not paying Schmoe all he thinks you should? Fuck Biden and all who work for him.

Ragin' Dave said...

Imagine when the IRS starts destroying small businesses over a paperwork glitch or a minor error. And then imagine what that small business owner who just had his world destroyed might do. All of this is being done ON PURPOSE.