Wednesday, August 31, 2022

And now I have a CPAP machine

 So there's some score that you're supposed to have when you sleep.  Apnea-Hypoxia score, or something like that.  It's supposed to be below a 5, whatever that means.  

Mine was 52.6.  Apparently that's bad.  As the doc told me, "Looks like you won the lottery for this!"

Thing is, I don't fall within whatever the "normal" is for sleep apnea.  I'm not overweight.  I'm not in poor health.  I don't have diabetes.  The only factor I have that the doc motioned was that I have a big neck.  And I do.  My shirt collar size is 18.5 inches, but I work out and I've always had a big neck.  Hell, looking at my photos from high school when I was wrestling, my neck was larger then.  For reference, my pants size is 36 in the waist.

But apparently I stop breathing when I sleep.  So now I have a machine that will breathe for me.

Let's see how this works.


Anonymous said...

Sleep apnea isn't contingent on conditions or physical attributes, but can be worsened by those. It's not your fault.

The CPAP machine will take some getting used to. Get a pillows type nasal mask. After about 4-5 days of acclimating to it, you're going to start getting some real good sleep, maybe the best sleep of your life. After that, putting on the mask becomes part of your bedtime ritual.

Ragin' Dave said...

That's actually the type of mask I have. I'm hoping my sleep improves.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah. sleep like a baby. now I have two machines - one for home and a backup for travel or in case something happens to the main machine.

never want to be without my machine.

waking up after a solid 8 hours is fantastic.