Friday, July 22, 2022

What a gob of shit

 So I got an email today from work.  It's about training, and lines of effort, yada yada umptyfratz.  Let me give you just a small little taste:

4. Training Priorities (TPs). CCH’s TLDD will incorporate the SAs six objectives of building a sustainable strategy, becoming a more data-centric Army, becoming resilient within climate change, building a positive command climate at scale, reducing harmful behaviors, and strategically adapting the way we recruit and retain talent, along with the CSA’s priorities by focusing on four TPs: TP1, Support Religious Practice and Soldier/Family Readiness; TP2, Create Data-Centric Religious Leadership and Support; TP3, Develop Religious Leaders; and TP4, Strengthen Ties with RS Allies and Partners.


What an example of useless buzzwords sandwiched into a pile of bullshit.  And this came from the TOP.  "Becoming resilient within climate change"?  WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

You want to know why people aren't signing up to join the military?  Because the fucking SecArmy puts shit like this out un-ironically.  Is there any right-thinking person who would join up with that bullshit?  And that's on top of all the fucking other bullshit.

Fucking me sideways with a chainsaw.


p2 said...

Jaysus wept…. Some 2 Loot drafted that. It probably made a modicum of sense (still a bunch of class A bullshit tho) until some Light Col bucking for his chickens decided there weren’t enough management words in it. “There’s too much white space, Lieutenant….”

Ragin' Dave said...

It's like they fed an OPORD into a corporate bullshit generator and just emailed what came out.