Friday, April 29, 2022

Drooling Joe's puppet masters hate the military

 You can see it in the way they treat the military, and how they treat veterans.

During his recent testimony before Congress, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas informed lawmakers that the Biden administration was considering diverting resources from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to deal with Biden's border debacle. This includes not just funding but also VA nurses and doctors who are tasked with caring for America's veterans, and who may now be sent to care for illegal immigrants.

It's a ludicrous idea and a terrible decision that Biden seems ready to make. Veterans' health care has struggled in the past — notably during the last time Biden was in the White House as Vice President in the Obama administration. 

It's been this way for my entire life.  Democrats get into office and destroy the military one way or another, and then when you need the military it's a panic of how to build it back up.  This isn't being done by mistake.  This is being done deliberately.  Jimmy "The Peanut" Carter defunded the military to the point where Soldiers were literally shouting "BANG BANG" during training instead of shooting bullets.  The Clinton years were drawdown after drawdown, leaving America with about half the military it needed.  The Obama years were the Democrat Party using the military as their social experiment chamber, and it's the Obama cabal pulling Drooling Joe's puppet strings.

I can't wait to retire.  Ug.

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