Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Drooling Joe Biden

 Can't remember what lies he's supposed to say today.

In case you were wondering just how casually and habitually the White House lies to Americans, here’s an illustrative example. On Monday, the Biden Collective made the mistake of allowing their basement gimp to hold a presser. 

You can read the rest.  The problem is that every statement out of Biden's drooling lips is pre-written to push the Democrat Narrative, and the truth got left out long ago.  Every presser is nothing but a bullshit session.  And Drooling Joe's handlers are now to the point where every statement he's making is a lie.  Every statement for years has been nothing but lies.  His entire "presidency" is a lie because he didn't win.

And lies haven been stacked on top of lies for years, with the Democrat Media Complex covering up everything in order to push Drooling Joe to where he is now.  And eventually, everything starts to unravel because the lie you told today contradicts the lie you told yesterday, or you accidently let the truth slip for some reason.

But in the end none of this really matters.  Drooling Joe has been a liar for his entire life, and he's been in Washington D.C. longer than I've been alive.  The Democrats don't care that he's a liar.  They love his for it.  They love his lies because they WANT to believe them.  They love his lies because if the President of the United States is an unrepentant liar, then it makes them feel better about their own lies.

But eventually, it will all start crumbling down.  There's no way to avoid the pain that's coming.  And there IS pain coming, lots of it.  I know that a lot of my fellow conservatives are going to try to help anyone they can, and I'm going to say something difficult but true.

You can't help everyone.  You will have to pick and choose who you help.  And quite frankly, when the bad times come, any Democrats who want help from me can kiss my ass.  They voted for this, they got what they voted for, and they can damn well live with the consequences of their actions.  I suggest you adopt the same attitude, because unless the Democrats feel some pain and understand the consequences of their actions, they'll never learn and they'll never grow up.  Which means the cycle just keeps happening, only getting worse each time.  Kind of like what's happening right now.

I need more coffee.

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