Friday, July 16, 2021

Garbage politics leads to garbage "science!" which leads to garbage outcomes

 "Follow the SCIENCE!" they shriek.  

“Never in my professional career [have I seen] this level of vagueness and corrupted data,” Knopik added. “It wouldn’t be stood for in private business or in a doctoral study. This is just amazing to me. The level of impactful decisions made on just garbage data – that’s what I’m calling it, garbage data – I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Knopik told Seattle radio host Todd Herman (full disclosure: this writer fills in for Todd on KTTH radio) that he’s now confirmed that the COVID testing data are useless and yet have been used to lock down the state.

The lockdowns are bullshit, and they have always been bullshit.  The numbers of people with the Kung Flu are bullshit, and they've always been bullshit.  The numbers of deaths attributed to the Kung Flu are bullshit, and they have always been bullshit.  And everything is bullshit because politicians have used the Kung Flu to get the power they wanted.  Actual doctors and scientists who have spoken the truth about the Kung Flu have been censored and silenced.  When doctors talking about their actual medical practice and how they deal with the Kung Flu are banned from YouTube, you can rest assured that the problems are political, not medical in nature.

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