Thursday, June 10, 2021

We don't know who exactly is in charge,

 But we do know that it ain't Drooling Joe the Chinese Hand Puppet.

Many have speculated that Joe Biden isn’t really running things. His mental fitness has come into question numerous times over the years and even in the past six months, but a photo posted by Jill Biden has added fuel to the fire, reigniting questions about who’s really running the country, and if perhaps the First Lady is taking on responsibilities she shouldn’t be.

The photo in question features Jill Biden sitting at a desk on Air Force One with the caption “Prepping for the G7.”

You don't have to go back very far to see just how drastically Joe Biden has declined mentally.  Between the mumbling, the slurring, the forgetting, his physical slowness, he's been in decline for a while now and even when his handlers allow him out in a tightly controlled setting they can't hide it.  I wonder just what cocktail of drugs is being pumped into his system to give him even the slight façade of coherence that he has.

So yeah, DOCTOR Jill Biden is sitting at the desk on AF1 doing Drooling Joe's job.  If you paid attention during the "campaign", she was at his side doing his job and making sure he didn't stray off into a rambling diatribe about Corn Pop and his hairy legs again.  It's not that the situation has changed, is that they can't hide it like they could during the campaign.  Joe Biden isn't capable of doing the job, and everybody knows it.

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