Monday, May 18, 2020

The lockdown didn't lose. It was a test run

Yeah, yeah, I know, conspiracy theory.  But when I read this, it's what runs through my head.  Don't get me wrong, it's a fair summation of what happened, but I think the author is looking at it from the wrong lens.

Governors in three states have lost three straight cases in courts when claiming authority over the crisis. More will. Because the Constitution, common sense, and civil liberties can not now and never have been based on some unelected leader in a lab coat, nor on the bankrupt shoulders of failed governors.
They must remain the sole possession of “We The People.”
And thanks to the lockdown, it appears that we understand that better now than we have for a very long time.
I have little faith that the Sheeple will remember anything the next time the media comes squealing about disaster.  I think some states will be more inclined to say "Fuck you!" to the government, but those states by-and-large already are inclined to do so.  New York Fucking City?  Kalifornia?

They are communist shitholes full of weak, obedient serfs.  And they will follow orders once again.

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