Monday, September 23, 2019

He died from smoking weed

He was just a kid.  Yes, a stupid kid.  But his mother was beyond stupid, passing into idiotic.

The doctors told Regina Denney and her son Brian Smith Jr. what was causing his severe vomiting and abdominal pain. 
Neither the teenager nor his mother believed what they said: smoking weed. 
Smoking marijuana, the two knew, was recommended to cancer patients to spur the appetite. How could it lead to Brian's condition?  
As the months went by and the pounds slipped off Brian’s once healthy frame, it was clear that whatever was causing his stomach troubles had just the opposite effect. 
Brian kept smoking. The symptoms continued on and off. 
Last October, after another severe bout of vomiting, the teenager died. He was 17 years old.  

So this kid is taken to the hospital BY HIS MOTHER, and they are told that his problems are due to SMOKING MARIJUANA, and his mother doesn't try to beat the stupid out of that boy?

Denney didn’t like the fact that her teen son started smoking at 13, but she figured the situation could be worse. Brian and she had a strong relationship, and he always had been honest with her about his use of marijuana.

 Nope, nope, nope.  Folks, if your kid starts smoking weed at the age of 13, YOU DO YOUR DAMNED BEST TO PUT A STOP TO IT!  Holy hell!

This kid is dead because his parents failed to do their job.  They didn't even try to do their job.  They wanted a "good relationship", which probably would have been a hell of a lot better if Daddy Dearest were still in the picture, but that's a tangent I'm not willing to follow right now.

This kid didn't have to die.  All it might have taken is one adult in his life to put their foot down.  But that didn't happen.

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