Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Out today

At a graduation ceremony for a family member.  Lots of shouting and "PLATOON!  A-tenSHUN!" being shouted.  With that being said, let me leave you with this:

Two-thirds of all Alzheimer’s patients are female; 
Seventy-five percent of people with autoimmune disorders are female; 
Females are less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease; 
Adult females have twice the rate of depression as adult males; 
Females have outbreaks of genital herpes at higher rates than males; 
Male and female brains respond differently to early childhood neglect, with males losing gray matter in areas governing impulse control and females losing gray matter in areas governing emotion; 
Women are more likely to abuse alcohol after trauma; 
Males and females smoke for different reasons and have correspondingly different success rates with the nicotine patch; 
The X and Y sex chromosomes, whose pairing determines a person’s sex, influence how the other 23 chromosomes in each cell read the genetic instructions contained in DNA.  

This is what we in reality like to call "basic biological differences between the sexes".  Anyone who has spent time around actual human beings know that men and women are different.  We react differently to stimuli; we act differently to various circumstances, and we have different interests in the world around us.  But when arguing with a Leftist, you cannot simply point up and say "Look, the sky is blue."  You need a researched paper explaining why the sky is blue before they'll believe it. 

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