Saturday, August 19, 2017


Walked into my co-worker's office.  They're PAO.  That's Public Affairs, or military reporters for you civilians out there.

Them:  showing their photos of various folks they took pictures with when they were deployed.

Me:  Is that Robin Williams?  Cool!

Them:  Yep!  And her too!  (points at picture)

Me:  Um...  who's the zombie?

Them:  That's Joan Jett! (lots of outrage)

Me:  Um....    wow, Joan Jett looks like a zombie!

Maybe when folks hit sixty or seventy, they can stop dying their hair black?  Because black hair on the head of someone who's the age of my parents makes them look like a zombie.

Just sayin.

I doubt they'll be showing me any more pictures.

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