Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The proper response is "No".

The situation is that a group in Italy is asking a parish to "pray silently" to avoid upsetting African "migrants".

And that is flat out wrong.

These parishioners need to pray the rosary out loud, with the certainty that God does not want his flock to be silent in HIS OWN HOUSE.

And I would say to this supposed Catholic charity, who apparently are ashamed of their own faith and wish to see it silenced, that if the Middle East were a Catholic region, instead of a miserable festering shithole of Islam, which is nothing more than a cult started by a pedophile moon-god worshipper, then they wouldn't HAVE the migrant problem that they're currently facing.  Maybe THAT is what needs to be clearly stated.

Catholicism and praying the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not the problem here.  And those "migrants", those people begging for succor and running away from their Islamic societies, need to be reminded of that.

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