Thursday, July 09, 2015

Those who forget history

Are doomed to repeat it.  And the reason for Leftist control of education is to make sure their students forget history.  And by making the students forget history, they can then control those students who don't have any basis to object to what they see going on.  That's if they object at all, since they're so ignorant they buy in to failed leftist ideas without understanding the failure, pain and misery those ideas have brought.

Well....  ignorance mission complete, I'd say.

it’s very hard to grasp that the person you’re talking to, who is bright, articulate, advisable, interested, and doesn’t know who Beethoven is. Had no view looking back at the history of the 20th century – just sees a fog. A blank. Has the vaguest idea of who Winston Churchill was or why he mattered. And maybe has no image of Teddy Roosevelt, let’s say, at all. I mean, these are people who – We have failed.

By sending our kids to government schools we have raised generations of ignorant people who have no clue where they came from or where they're going.

That explains why Obama got elected twice, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Drumwaster said...

History may not repeat, but it sure does rhyme...