Friday, October 10, 2014

So morons in St Louis are rioting again.

They're rioting because an 18 year old felon who was wearing an ankle monitor (a little electronic ankle bracelet that allows the cops to know where he is, because he's a violent felon, did I mention the violent felon part?) and most important of all, FIRING A GUN AT A POLICE OFFICER was shot and killed.

Oh, and the cherry on the top of this shit sundae is that the gun this violent felon was shooting at a cop just happened to be stolen.  And this sub-human thug, VonDerrit Myers Jr., was already on house arrest for his previous gun felony.

So naturally the morons in St Louis call him a choirboy and start chanting about how bad the cops are, and then start rioting.

It's really incomprehensible to be how these people can be claiming that their little choir boy wasn't doing anything wrong.  How dumb and stupid do you have to be for you to riot over a violent thug getting shot for being a violent, gun-toting thug who shoots at cops?

Added:  Hey, what's a sure-fire way to get popular opinion on our side?  Steal American flags from homes and burn them!  Yeah, that's the ticket!

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