Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ragin' Dave's Quote of the Day, Never Back Down edition

From the comments at Vox Day:

We're often told that an institution -- the Catholic Church, the Republican Party, now Mozilla -- must compromise with liberals or perish. It's a lie. The perishing is a result of the compromise, not the alternative to it.

The Left does not want compromise, period.  The Left wants you to shut up and be a good slave that doesn't start any trouble.  You cannot compromise with a Leftist, because their default position is that you are nothing more than a revenue-generating slave, not an individual.  You are not a person, you are a number.  You are not a living, breathing human being, you are just another pawn to be used to buy votes with and keep the Free Shit Army happy.

Never compromise with a Leftist.  Never, ever, ever.  Your life will not improve through this compromise, and everyone's life around you will become less..... 

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