Friday, December 06, 2013

Another lie in a litany of lies

So Obama, having sworn that he never met his uncle who likes to tie one on and get behind the wheel, lied.

I know!  This is my shocked face!

I point this out not just to show how Obama the fucking liar once again lied, but just how compulsive and pathological a liar he is.  When dear Uncle Omar got tossed in the pokey for drunken driving, it would have been the easiest thing in the world for Obama the damned liar to simply say "Yep, I lived with him for a month or two.  Decades ago.  I don't approve of drunk driving, and I don't do it.  He screwed up."

Instead, he lied.  Again.  Over, and over, and over.  Just as he lies about everything to everybody.  Over and over and over.

He lies because he doesn't know how to tell the truth.  He lies because it is WHAT HE DOES.  He lies about little things.  He lies about big things.  He lies about everything.

Never forget that every word out of that fucking Nazi's mouth is a lie.  Period.


Steve Berven said...

No, didn't you get the memo? He's just "correcting his earlier statement."

Gerry N. said...

Scorpins sting. Liars lie. Most Democarats are pathologial liars, the rest to recreationally.

Some say we must forgive them because they can't help it. We exterminate rats and flies even though they can't help spreading disease, we should treat democrats the same way. Not out of hatred, mind, but out of compassion for the rest of society.