Friday, March 15, 2013

Seen at my dentist visit

On an Air Force base, no less.

Read the title of the major article.  I had to control my gag reflex for about half an hour after I saw it.  I then flipped it over, covered it up with a year-old "US" magazine and walked away before I lost my temper.  I know that Newsweek is one of the media outlets that performs fellatio on Obama every chance it gets, but this is the kind of bias that explains just how and why Obama won stole a second term.

You want to know why I don't give a shit about the press going under?  Because anything, ANYTHING is better than the shit being put out today. 

Later on, I expect Newsweek to offer an article about how Obama's executive orders commanding Jews and Catholics to head to "Re-Education Centers" is going to lead to world peace and anyone who objects to it is a doo-doo head.  Don't mind the smokestacks, that's just where the heretics....  BOOKS, yeah, their books are being burnt. 


Rivrdog said...

The Press is taking down the First Amendment as surely as Feinstein is trying to take down the second. Only thing, no one is going to stick up for the press when suckee Obama becomes Rapist Obama to buttfuck the entire Constitution.

It'll probably happen in my lifetime, and I'm almost 70.

Anonymous said...

Joke's on them, actually.

Newsweek stopped printing on 26 December 2012.

No-one was buying it after they went full-on left-wing.
