Thursday, March 28, 2013

I'm so damn tired

There's something about living in Kalifornia that makes you want to slit your wrists and bleed out while you take a shit on the hood of a Mercedes being driving by yet another self-absorbed asshole who probably is too busy talking on his phone to notice your deficatory prowess.

This fucking state is bat-shit insane, and going deeper into the black hole of lunacy every day, driven by people who are so ignorant of reality that they force themselves to NOT observe any kind of logical reaction to their behavior.

Fuck this place.


Crotalus said...

I would, but I gotta live here, dammit!

Drumwaster said...

"This fucking state is bat-shit insane, and going deeper into the black hole of lunacy every day, driven by people who are so ignorant of reality that they force themselves to NOT observe any kind of logical reaction to their behavior."

And that's on a GOOD day...