Wednesday, October 05, 2011

OK, so I lied

I DO have something for you today, if only because I want to pass on the stomach-churning stupidity that is "The Lotion Man".  Both of these videos are NSFW, although the second is the worst.  Here we have the lotion man insulting and getting anti-Semitic at the Occupy Wall Street Lunatic's Ball.  

And here is a video of Mr. Lotion Man in what I can only assume is a meth-fueled montage of garbled insanity.  Don't play this if there are kids in the room.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is a proud Obama voter in the flesh!  There is a Wall Street Occupier.  There is the Left, full of sound and fury, idiotic as all hell, brainless, witless, clueless, and THESE ARE THE PEOPLE RUNNING THE COUNTRY RIGHT NOW.

Yeah.  Feeling sick?  You're welcome.

Hat tips to Ace of Spades HQ and Breitbart.

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