Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Quote of the day, I hate RINOs edition

From Protein Wisdom:

I’m tired of rewarding the GOP with my vote just because they recognize that I recognize that the other choice is worse.

Ayup.   Put that in conjunction with this Mark Levine rant that I completely agree with:

Levin took issue with much of the common criticisms of Palin, particularly those concerning whether or not she can win the 2012 election and how she left her governorship post early, which is normal for presidential candidates, Levin says.
“So what is it? What’s the problem?” he said. “She’s solid on social issues. She’s solid on fiscal issues. She’s solid against these subsidies against big companies – in other words, she not a corporatist. She’s not a crony or a believer in that. She’s solid on taxes and spending. I’m just confused. She’s solid on Israel. She’s solid on the military. She’s solid with respect to our allies. Is there some big issue that’s disqualifying? What – because the liberals don’t like her?”
The problem with Palin is that she's not an establishment elitist.  In fact, she's taken down a couple establishment elitists, and rather than the establishment recognizing that their actions have worn out their welcome, they choose to attack the person they see as responsible for their failure - and that would be Palin right now.

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