Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And this is why

I still practice land navigation with a map and a compass. GPS System set to fail.

Huh. It's almost like when you reduce the military's budget (since the Air Force is in charge of the GPS systems) during a time of war, forcing them to cut back on where they spend money, you'll have to face the consequences someday!


On the other hand, maybe when the Left-voting idiots can't use their OnStar or Garmin, they'll actually wake the fuck up. Maybe.

Quote of the day

From Hecate

Stuck victims choose to define themselves by their damage instead of working to overcome it. They can build their entire lives around being a victim. I met lots of people like that during my active process. They only associated with other victims. They went to a different support group every night of the week, groups for sexual abuse, codependency, addiction, overeating, bulimia, you name it. They worked very, very hard at not getting better.

Well hell, if that doesn't describe the Democrat American Communist Party to a "T", I don't know what does.....

W..wh... what?

I have a.....

DAY OFF?????


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You know what would suck?

If the most corrupt, incompetent Congress EVAH would mandate more changes to the automotive industry, thus helping complete the destruction of said industry.

Oh, wait. That's taken care of.

Some soccer moms will have to give up hulking SUVs. Carpenters will still haul materials around in pickup trucks, but they will cost more. Nearly everybody else will drive smaller cars, and more of them will run on electricity.

The higher mileage and emissions standards set by the Obama administration on Tuesday, which begin to take effect in 2012 and are to be achieved by 2016, will transform the American car and truck fleet.

These worthless, stupid, ball-gargling ass-cannons have just written the death warrant for US Auto companies. Hell, they've just damaged the auto industry period. Remember what I wrote about the Chevy Aveo a few months back? Imagine every new car being sold is JUST LIKE THAT PIECE OF SHIT.

And for all you worthless fucking communist shitbags who voted for the Chicago Fucking Marxist, you all deserve to have your tiny, pea-sized brains ripped out of your hollow heads so that you stop inflicting hell on my country. I understand that the Democrat American Communist Party members are, by and large, too weak and pathetic to handle responsibility and freedom, thus they willingly give away those two things to their lords and masters in D.C. But that doesn't mean that the rest of the country wants to give up THEIR freedom and responsibilities. Nor do we want the fucking parasites to tell us what to drive.

I swear, the more I see, the more convinced I am that cutting our losses and letting the Left drown in it's own filth is the only way to go.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

And Once Again...


It's fascinating to watch their progress online. (The URLs are too complex to reproduce here, but Google "Argo Buoy Movement" or "Argo Float Animation," and you will be directed to the links.)

When they were first deployed in 2003, the Argos were hailed for their ability to collect information on ocean conditions more precisely, at more places and greater depths and in more conditions than ever before.

No longer would scientists have to rely on measurements mostly at the surface from older scientific buoys or inconsistent shipboard monitors.

So why are some scientists now beginning to question the buoys' findings? Because in five years the little blighters have failed to detect any global warming. They are not reinforcing the scientific orthodoxy of the day, namely that man is causing the planet to warm dangerously. They are not proving the predetermined conclusions of their human masters. Therefore they, and not their masters' hypotheses, must be wrong.

In fact, "there has been a very slight cooling," according to a U.S. National Public Radio (NPR) interview with Josh Willis at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a scientist who keeps close watch on the Argo findings.

Willis insisted the temperature drop was "not anything really significant." And I trust he's right. But can anyone imagine NASA or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- the UN's climate experts -- shrugging off even a "very slight" warming.

Anyone who still tries to say that Global Warming is fact needs to be shunned as being too stupid to be part of civilization. IT'S BULLSHIT, PEOPLE!!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

In case you missed it

Nancy Pelosi is still a lying bitch who doesn't deserve to be a file clerk, much less a member of Congress.

The fact that San Fransicko keeps re-electing this brainless, useless, lying, spineless, moral-less piece of shit is reason enough for me to wall that city off from America and let them all rot to death in their own filth.

Yet Another IVAW traitor exposed as a fraud

They just keep popping up.

The man who called himself Rick Duncan - purportedly a former Marine captain and 1997 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy - is in fact 31-year-old Richard Glen Strandlof, a former mental patient who never served in the military and falsely claimed that he was in the Pentagon during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, according to David Walsh of the Colorado Veterans Alliance (CVA), which Duncan founded.

Walsh, who joined the board of CVA at Duncan’s request last year, said his colleagues in the organization grew suspicious of Duncan after discovering “significant inconsistencies” in his personal story.

Damn near every IVAW hero is either a fake, a fraud, a liar, a cheat, or a back-stabbing piece of shit who doesn't deserve to wear the uniform. Jimmy Massey, Jesse McBeth, "Rick Duncan", etc. etc. etc. Just how many liars, frauds and fakes does one organization have to have exposed before we can pull the plug on it?

Photo Time

More from the "Where the fuck was Dave?" Files. Clickamooga for da Big Kahoona..

Mt. Rainier from the airplane. As a bonus, you can see Mt. Saint Helens in the back right. A little over 900KB if you want to save it.

The Space Needle and Elliot bay. 189KB if you want to save it.

The Ragin' Mrs. has been tearing the house apart, quite literally. My office has no walls, no ceiling and no flooring, but new insulation. The closet is waiting for it's next coat of plaster, which will happen when I'm finally home. And the Ragin' Dad will be visiting next week. In short, I'm tapped out.

Gah. One day, I'll get to rest. One day......

By the way, while I was in Seattle I was able to have dinner with my man Phil from Random Nuclear Strikes. Hi Phil! I much enjoyed it! Next time I'll try to get there when you have some time off!

Hell Period Continues

So, after being gone for three weeks, with the odd day home here or there, I got to spend two days at home while I was sick, then head back to work, and tomorrow I head off to Minneapolis. I get back Sunday night.

Yay me.

I'd love to have a weekend at home. When I'm healthy.