Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Keep this up, Honduras! It's nice to see that at least one country in North America understands what the rule of law means.

Newly appointed President Roberto Micheletti said it would take a foreign invasion put Zelaya back in power, and said he was sending a delegation to Washington in an attempt to reverse the country's increasing international isolation, though his own foreign minister later denied that.

The fact that the world would rather deal with a Leftist dictator-wannabe shows that it's the world who's mentally, morally and intellectually deficient, not Honduras. And it's obvious that my country's leadership cannot recognize the rule of law at all, preferring instead to support a criminal who would rip his country's constitution into shreds in his naked grab for power.

But as I said, the Democrat American Communist Party has yet to find a Leftist thug it wouldn't perform fellatio on. So we shouldn't be too surprised at all that Obama and Congress support the thug. They supported Venezuela over Columbia. That's all that needs to be said.

So I'm raising a glass to Honduras tonight. Let them keep telling Obama and the rest of the communist cohorts to go fuck off. At least one country in the world understands that Leftists cannot be reasoned with.

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