Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Reading down this article, I'm really starting wonder if I underestimated how bad the Drive-By Media has been in their desperate attempt to get their Liberal Lord and Messiah elected. All the emphasis in the below quotes are mine.

With polling, the collective delusion is the belief that the product of polling is the data. Remember, polls are a product that is sold like any other product. That stupid little chart that appears in the corner of every USA Today was not made for the purpose of ‘research’ and ‘data’. It was made just to show a stupid little graph on the paper because USA Today knows that little graphs and charts ’sell’ the paper more. Just because information is displayed in a chart or a graph does not make it ’scientific’ or a real ‘analysis’. But the product was to make the reader FEEL like it was and to sell more papers. The product of polls can and often are the readers. This became much more popular ever since polls became ‘news items’ themselves (before, polls were only supplements to news stories).

In my second post about the election, I told you to keep an eye on Iowa for if Obama comes back here, a state he should have locked at this time, he is toast. Well, Obama is back in Iowa which means he is toast. If it is competitive in Iowa (it was very competitive in 2004), that means that McCain is running as well as Bush or better and has FL, CO, IN, NC, OH, NH, and VA all comfortable. McCain going to Maine suggests Obama is performing worse than Kerry or, rather, Obama’s support is ’soft’ among Democrats.
When you look at everything that's been going on for the past eight years, this should have been the Democrat American Communist Party's election to win. They should, by all rights, be running away with this thing. It shouldn't even be close. You've got an unpopular president. A war that's gone on longer than World War Two. An economy in trouble. And a Republican Stupid Party that's more interested in being Democrats than they are about actually, y'know, REPRESENTING THEIR CONSTITUENTS. Conservatives are abandoning the GOP in droves. And the GOP picked McCain, who has a history of pissing off the conservative base, to be the presidential nominee. Folks, HE SHOULDN'T EVEN BE WITHIN SNIFFING DISTANCE OF THE LEFT'S NOMINEE.

But what did the Democrat American Communist Party do?

They nominated someone with no real record, a more radical philosophy than anyone put forth in recent history, the most liberal congresscritter EVAH! A hard-core Marxist, nurtured by anti-American Marxists, mentored by virulent racists, funded by the Chicago Political machine.

Obama is so far Left, so "liberal", that he can't even pull away from McCain. If the Donks had nominated someone who was actually a bit moderate, they'd have this thing wrapped up. They would have had this thing wrapped up months ago.

But Obama is a Marxist. And people still get that queasy feeling in their stomach about dealing with a Marxist, even if the publik skool sistim in America doesn't teach them enough to know WHY they have that queasy feeling.

I say McCain wins. Because as low as this country can sink, they haven't sunk low enough to vote in their own destruction in the form of the Liberal Lord and Messiah, Barak Obama.


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