Monday, November 17, 2008


There is an ongoing debate about what path the (R)epublicans should take to save our future. I can't think of anything more healthy or important.

To have a political spectrum there must be opposite views on a particular subject. The polar opposite of Collectivist-Left is not "Compassionate Conservativism" but individual liberty best represented by Libertarianism. That is not to say the loony Libertarians who you read about in the news, but true Conservatives, who represent the Libertarian ideal of Individualist-Right.

This gentleman claims to be a "I used to be a Republican But"... yet he says he can't vote (R)epublican because the "Religious Right" works to "ban abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and gay marriage" and then he perpetuates the Jeffersonian myth that "there should be a ”wall of separation“ between church and state. Public policy should not be based on religious doctrines".

First, Jefferson mentioned the ”wall of separation“ once in a letter sent decades after the Constitution was adopted. Although I support the concept of a ”wall of separation“ I am not so arrogant as to argue that canard. Perhaps he might read the Federatlist Papers and review his own statements?

Second, "gay marriage" is not a "right" but a social preference that Gays are entitled to already. Any person may marry one of the opposite sex. To force a "change" over the will of the society that indulges such contracts with preferential treatment is both collectivist totalitarianism and an indulgence of a self-defined professional victims' group with a history of anti-Christian activity. The 'Gay activist' lobby is currently "demonstrating" all of their hateful excess. Should we reward their bullying such victicrats will not be satisfied.

Third, stem cell research is a wonderful, privately funded success, that is making many investors rich. Embryonic stem cell research is a black-hole of failure seeking tax-payer funded subsidies. Why is it a Lefty will howl about the 'evil drug companies' yet now demands that the tax-payer subsidize those very same 'evil drug companies'?

Finally, whether you believe life begins at conception or not, a child is viable outside of the mother long before birth. Ask yourself why we spend billions to save premature births if the whim of a mother is enough reason to murder that child? If you saw a car sinking into a river and dove in to save the family would you not reach for the child before the mother?

You will notice none of my arguments are based on Religious grounds. I just happen to notice that the Collectivist-Left aganda of the "Religious Right" is consistent with government getting out of my life, even when in opposition to my reasoning, as their arguments would involve the morality of the collective society.

The reality is that the "Religious Right" is a myth, they in fact represent the Collectivist-Left of the "RightWing" mostly defined by the opposition in the (D)emocrat party. For does anyone doubt the collectivist inclinations of a Church? They have been drivin into our arms, yet a schism exists because they are not truly 'of us' on the Individualist-Right.

But unless you want to leave government to the self-perpetuating professional politicians of the Collectivist-Left you better find some common ground, like I have, and embrace those that will work with you reasonably.

Also, it is worth remembering that true Liberalism, that liberated the slaves, gave women the vote, passed civil rights legislation etc... was all led by the "Religious Right" and if you do your homework you will find out that the Marxist posers calling themselves "Liberals" today are anything but.

In 2004 I had two types of people knocking on my door. One set wore ties, white shirts, smiles and exuded optimism and faith. Not that I rewarded them for that. The other wore save-the-whales T-shirts and slashed the tires of a neighbors' SUV.

I've picked sides with the God Squad. I may not have faith... but I believe in them.

Cross Posted at DANEgerus

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