Sunday, June 29, 2008

We're winning, so (D)emocrats issue Fatwa

Ed Morrissey : In case no one’s noticed, we’re winning
Gerard Baker wonders in his Times of London column why the West wears such long faces regarding the war on terror. On every front, we have prevailed far past the hopes we had after 9/11. The radical Islamists have managed to marginalize themselves among even conservative Muslims, and both Iraq and Afghanistan continue to advance towards stability and moderation. The al-Qaeda network has not been able to stage a major terrorist attack in over three years. By any measure of war, the West has not just taken the initiative but has delivered a series of major defeats, especially in stripping AQ of its easy shelter in Afghanistan, from which it launched a series of attacks in the decade before 9/11.

Instapundit notes : LONDON TIMES: Cheer up. We're winning this War on Terror.

And yet the evidence is now overwhelming that on all fronts, despite inevitable losses from time to time, it is we who are advancing and the enemy who is in retreat. The current mood on both sides of the Atlantic, in fact, represents a kind of curious inversion of the great French soldier's dictum:
“Success against the Taleban. Enemy giving way in Iraq. Al-Qaeda on the run. Situation dire. Let's retreat!”

Van Helsing : Liberal Congressman Roots for Al Qaeda to Kill American Official

Hugo Chavez's buddy William Delahunt is spinning like a dervish after wishing publicly that Cheney aide David Addington would be identified by al Qaeda and presumably killed.

The (D)emocrats seem quite sure that Al-Qaeda will return the quid pro quo.

Michelle Malkin has the video : Caution: Clown congress at work
I tuned into the Gitmo interrogation hearing by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. Serving as human voo-doo dolls: Berkeley law professor John Yoo, who served in the Office of Legal Counsel and authored the so-called “torture memos,” and the Vice President’s chief of staff, David Addington.
One of the most hostile and ignorant questioners was Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA)–who is not even a member of the subcommittee. When subcommittee member Steve King (R-Iowa) politely objected that Nadler had not followed the rules in obtaining unanimous consent for Delahunt’s questioning (King did not object to his presence, just the failure to follow House rules), Nadler obnoxiously acknowledged the point of order, regretting that he had been called out. Later, after King had left the hearing room, Nadler personally attacked King and snarked that he must not have cared about the rules enough to stay. (At the end of the hearing, Nadler withdrew those remarks with all the sincerity of a, well, Democrat politician.)

I almost drove off the road when Delahunt sarcastically told Addington that he was “glad” al Qaeda finally got the chance to watch him on TV.

Instapundit : Reader C.J. Burch emails
If this isn't in a Republican television spot pronto the Republicans deserve to be run out of poltics and replaced with a living party."

Kathryn Jean Lopez notes the MainStreamMedia is still cheerleading : When Anonymity Fails, Be Nasty, Brutish and Short
Dana Milbank seems outraged at David Addington. How about a little outrage directed at Congressman Delahunt? Nope, Delahunt's al-Qaeda line is a "joke," and Addington is the creep in Milbank's world.

Gateway Pundit : It's Settled Then... Rep. Delahunt (D-MA) Finally Proves That Dems Are Not Just Anti-American-- They're Pro-Al-Qaeda
Rep. Delahunt(D) and FARC's Rep. McGovern(D) want the UN to take over in Iraq.

Ed Morrissey : Delahunt backpedals on cheerleading a terrorist attack on administration official
It sounds to me like Delahunt only regrets that he got quoted accurately.

Cross Posted at DANEgerus

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